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Posts posted by RMTC

  1. Should I pull both front ones?


    You should probably change the oil, fuel filter and clean the maf before you go and try to take apart the exhaust. If this is your daily you should stick to the simple repairs first. That ypipe is a pain to take off and I don't think the cats would cause this kind of issue.

  2. I bought my wife a 2010 Compass. Interior is cheap as expected, CVT is really annoying at any speed, no power, mid 20s for fuel econ, it has 7k miles on it and is already starting to rust. It's a decent mom-mobile but sucks at everything but snow.
  3. Sorry guys, Sunday, for sure. I may be a little breezy and cool but it should be dry. If this damn coolant temp sensor doesnt fix my current issue, I might be limping it down there and riding on the cruise with someone else. Shit, nothing's going right lately. lol

    Head over and take the one off my car.

  4. You do realize that your dumb posts now have put a price on your head? I have been offered $20 to ban you, but I think I can get MUCH more.


    Packie: $20


    Who can go higher? US dollars only...


    pm sent

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  5. +1, these guys do the "factory tint" for MAG. All sorts of exotics/fun stuff down there usually. They also do Police cars for various departments, couple from Westerville down there today actually.


    I usually send people to them but the last 2 they did had issues with multiple windows peeling within a month. He took care of the problems under warranty but one of the cars is aready peeling again. It was probably a bad batch of film or something.

  6. I enjoy fishing quite a bit. Day or night. I lost my secret spot recently to development and I'm in search of one, now. THere are a couple little spots I like to go on the river and Delaware lake.


    I actually plan on trying to get my master angler pin this year. Probably start off with carp as I know there are some huge ones right here at Blue Limestone park, they're both easy and fun as hell to catch. Also, it'll give me a good confidence booster before moving on the the next qualifying fish.


    @SPankis - They have some decent size carp like the one you're holding in two kinda secret ponds behind blue limestone here in Delaware. THere are actually 3 ponds but most only know of the 1 they stock trout in. I will say this, I haven't seen a carp here that even comes close to matching the sizes we used to catch down in Texas. :eek: 40+lb carp are not unheard of and I've both seen and caught bigger. Corn/maize is what I generally use, though I've used prepared baits, especially strawberry flavored doughs and corns. Works well for buffalo, too, however I don't even know if you guys have Buffalo up here.

    I have a killer pond just north of Delaware to show you. Great for warmup.

  7. Nobody likes the spotlight shined in their face especially when it is being done in front of others. If you have a problem with what he is doing you sit down person to person and you discuss it with him without being negative and rude. It does not take a dick move to wake someone up, maybe you are motivated by negativity but I sure as hell am not and would be ashamed to call you a friend or even an acquaintance after you would do that to me. No need for me to pm you any details I think I have said enough. Oh and glad you like the additions to the post I had a feeling they were necessary because I have been in Chris's shoes before and I know what it feels like. Negative comments from the penut gallery were never wanted or needed. If I were a modd I would have banned you for that shit because like I said that kind of stuff has no place here IMO.


    I have a problem with what you are doing and I would like to have a sit down discussion about your desire to ban me and punch me through Chris' fist.

  8. a wake up call? financial situation!


    as discussed in other threads my situation is better now than ever be for i make 45k + a year my bills are current which is why i have less than 100 dollars to my name right now.

    i find out the hard way that the trans pumps of ford windstars just randomly break for no reason around 160k so because my bills are paid i cant pull 1550 + tax out of my ass im a fuck face to fix it and it will be 3 weeks untill i can. i need a wake up call? fuck that my alarm wakes me up just fine when it quits working i give you a call thanks.



    now yes i could go to the junk yard buy a trans pay some one to put it in but with another 600 it get a complete rebuild. lets see which is better

    Chris, its me, I know better. You quit lying and I'll quit telling the truth. Maybe the thread will die and everyone can forget.

  9. No matter what the situation is $65 should not be that big of a deal and given that he spent the money its obvious that it isnt. And that is a very low blow to go around a PUBLIC forum talking shit about someones money situation. That is their business not yours or any of ours period. At least that was what I was taught growing up maybe your parents didnt inform you on proper etiquette, and morals...


    Sometimes it takes a complete dick move to wake someone up. Maybe Chris will realize that his priorities are fucked and needs to reevaluate some shits, maybe not. I am interested in hearing more about your upbringing though. Please pm me some details.



    No matter what the situation is $65 should not be that big of a deal and given that he spent the money its obvious that it isnt. And that is a very low blow to go around a PUBLIC forum talking shit about someones money situation not to mention bringing wives comments to add to the overall lack of character, and class in your statments. That is their business not yours or any of ours period. At least that was what I was taught growing up maybe your parents didnt inform you on proper etiquette, and morals who knows, but peoples personal business is nothing but their own and that is how it should stay... I do not know what he will do about this but if I was him the next time I saw you I would simply stick you right between the eyes and follow it up with enough untill you got the message quite firmly.

    I like the addition to your statements. Tasteful edit!

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  10. What is 65 bucks gonna do in the bigger picture of getting a car. 65 bucks is fucking chump change as far as I'm concerned thats like half of a friday night bar tab... Some people spend that on a tank of gas these days... I see nothing wrong with what he did considering that it is what 16% of a weeks pay if he makes 10 bucks an hour and works a 40 hour week. I will assume he makes more than that but just an example that he is not effecting the bigger picture at all by doing what he did.


    Not really chump change when you are as financially fucked as the subject of this conversation.


    I do not know your situation


    I do.


    Wow someone really wants there ass beat and if I was him I would defently hand it out.


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  11. you aint missing anything. that place is like taking a trip back to the 50's in the most run down burger joint you could find.

    Agreed. The place is unclean and the food is pretty horrible.

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