I'm going to give it a shot again tonight and really stretch afterwords as noted above. Almost was able to wash my hair this morning with two hands similiar to RTV's comment. I'm using a Walmart old school muscle, cheap ass bench I had bought 3 years ago and finally put together. I use to do everything possible with two heavy barbells and a bench but they're to heavy at the moment. My workout included basically:bench-5 sets, 15,15,15,15, and then as many as I can get to before I'd drop it. It's only 70 pounds. I'll change it from flat to incline between workouts. I'll add more exercises gradually once I get into it for a while. I don't want to make it too much like work at first or won't stay at it. Curl the bench bar for biceps, same thing as above Lat bar, pushing down for triceps, same as above Lat bar as it's supposed to be used for lats, same as above. 40 pushups. Going to take it easier for sure tonight.