Power was out tonight so I drag the generator out of the barn. It's out of gas, so I siphon gas from different things around the farm. Fill it up, Flip the on/off switch, it breaks off in the motor housing, fix that mess. Than the carb is clogged, cleaned out the bowl, Start it up...Flip on the generator switches in the basement then i look out the basement window and bam there's a long, sparkly, violent fire, coming from the base of the utility pole about 15' long. I'm thinking...HUH? Shit! did i do that? Shit, shit, shit! Checked my fuse box, trying to remember if I rigged anything latley and how the hell could it have back fed to the pole.... wondering if i killed any electric people. I Realized there is no friggin way I did that so I call 911. Elelctric company shows up and I ask him if i should cancel fire dept. He says I can try to his guy is driving somewhere to shut off the main line. Turns out the power line was draped over the barn, across the high tensile fence for the horses and running thru the yard a few feet from where I was working on the generator. I am one lucky sum of a bitch. If I had fed the horses first or walked a few feet west in the yard or went to the other barn or just crossed my fence, I think I would have been dead. No wonder the horses were freaked.