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Everything posted by Gump

  1. huh, maybe a bad pic...Kong cracks me up..he looks like he's thinking about some thing crazy......

  2. he looks as if he's shunning the aura from the odd scary looking lady to his right!!

  3. hey is that Cossin at the Ohio riders party looking happy?

  4. Yep,,,damn politicians. could you guess what the catalyst was.....
  5. true..but she doesn't look like she'd get mad about a humid day, dirt on her pants, or eating at Mc'd... so the target is poor white girls?
  6. Ok some of them look like a BIG headache.... I'd rock the paultvault girl.
  7. Gump

    last post

    later....dont forget to tune up your weedwacker....
  8. I think there needs to be a classification..... Would you want to bang them? or bang them and live with them.... There all hot but some of them look like a headache.
  9. IT'S ALL good...that was funny s*it
  10. the Polee vault girl is rockin.....Alessandra has a great face...very next door ish....nice
  11. Wow...very sad...Proud of you Max...
  12. Tell her in the car......Roadhead is best.....
  13. I can't find the button...? nevermind i just found it..... how do you delete a thread?
  14. sTAY AWAY FROM rYAN Because of this----you have an entitlement opinion I feel that it should be discussed and agreed upon when a large amount of money is being tossed around. It's his money?
  15. Gump

    Guns and Deer

    Na...just really ticks me off....citiots think they own the woods....
  16. Gump

    Guns and Deer

    i'm hunting 4 for dicks.....this is the only context u will ever hear that.
  17. get a bike, get a bike, get a bike then tell her you were able to afford it because of the raise you got working so hard ....
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