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Everything posted by Gump

  1. How do they refuse to? So if the rich were in the military then they should get a tax break? I''d be for a tax break for military members and they already get a few..
  2. That's a stretch reply based on BS again. The rich do pay more dollars and a higher tax bracket. What more do you want? Under $40,000 with kids you're paying basically nothing.
  3. Site your sources where the secretary paid more $ or a higher tax rate and what type of tax.
  4. They do pay more! Ridiculous
  5. I get pissed off just reading those words F.S... It's not that I enjoy paying taxes so much, it's that she's touting it as a real friggin topic and people believe it.
  6. Let us know how you like it!
  7. Where's the Olympic thread? Anyways, Germany's Ludwig is hawt!
  8. Selecting a country with lower tax rates. Shocker. Don't tax the crap out of the US companies and maybe it wouldn't happen.
  9. Pfft....Nothing wrong with any of those except loyalty to country for #2. Any of us can do the same things. So I don't know how exactly the Corporations or top earners are doing anything someone else can't. No idea where there 24% came from. 1. Capital gains tax is BS to begin with. Why wouldn't you? 3. very common 4. I have one 5. This is done all the time. 6.Who wouldn't 8. No brainer 9. Really? You worked all your life and want to gift something to your children. Screw gift tax, estate tax and capital gains. It's $14,000 annually now by the way. I don't know who would support this or have an issue finding legal ways to get it around it. They say it was designed to keep the rich from getting richer but it's imply a revenue generator like paying taxes when buying a used car. 10. O wow! you can rent it for two weeks and not claim it as income, Holy smokes! What a loophole. IMO, you have to be smart enough to take advantage of it. And the fact is high earners and corporations pay a shit ton of taxes. That whole article can kiss my ass.
  10. Not one mention of "how" corporations are actually cheating on taxes with loop holes. Not a damn one. Just fear that they are. Friggin myth. I agree gubment needs to go thru a Lean Kaizen. Let me teach it, I'll cut the spending by a guaranteed 25% but I'll also have to suggest firing a bunch of unneeded employees and then the OMG we need jobs crew will start in. Gubment doesn't want to be efficient because the gubment is the people and people are greedy.
  11. Spot on? State some facts honey.
  12. Watching Men's volleyball sucks compared to women's. Shouldn't the dudes wear speedos and go topless.
  13. or Hillary is leading by 12% in the polls.
  14. Someone from the social security administration/ high up gubment worker was just telling me that the % of democrats and the % of republicans polled equaled exactly how they voted in the pole and the same for the results posted and it's a stacked deck. Sooo 57 democrats and 50 republicans poled, equals 57% Hillary and 50% trump.
  15. Sarah Robles was sanctioned by the International Weightlifting Federation for two years, until August 8, 2015, after WADA found her in-competition test at the Pan Am games positive for DHEA, testosterone and pregnanediol. Cheating whore! this explains the odd physique.
  16. A rich person swayed a rich Olympic people comittee into thinking they need their fancy medals, then the rich person sold it to whoever's in charge of buying Olympic medals and they paid for it with taxes, I think, then people who won medals get taxed on it, while the rich person gets taxed on the profits but they can claim a lot of exemptions for labor to make the medal, so they can pay the person who made it. The athletes need to pay for it, all that running around playing games all day for free is BS.
  17. I'd like to think the media is like the Jerry Springer show anymore. Finding the best of the worst and using it to create drama and a story based on BS because facts are not entertaining. Hopefully most people are not like this jerk off.
  18. Agree and there's some genetics going on there but really did she actually train a lot? If so, I find her physique fascinating.
  19. The free shit army is being misled for votes. They drive this ignorant, false, "hate" the successful person/business mentality. I've never looked at someone rich or better off than me and thought damn he/she should give back so I can have more. What I think about is what are they doing right, so I can copy it and be more successful.
  20. The ad that states she wants to make those at the top pay their fair share of taxes then penalize companies who move operation over seas. Is it one topic or two.. I get furious every time I hear this ad. Define fair share you misleading, propaganda spewing, ignorance catering, vote snatching bitch. Tell me exactly what taxes they are not paying because I want to know!? What loop holes are the ultra rich or profitable companies taking advantage of? Why should companies or people pay a higher percentage then someone who pays nothing or a tiny %! You want to tax the profitable more yet are upset they move overseas.
  21. I get that, you're stronger than a skinny person due to carrying weight around but did you train for a whole week before the olympics? Fixed, no, not drunk, yet.
  22. I get that, you're stronger that a skinny person due carrying weight around but did you train for a whole week before the olympics?
  23. Sarah Robles wins Bronze in dead lift. How can you be so fat and still strong. I don't believe in strong fat people.
  24. Are a quart of blueberries and a half a gallon of grape juice. Can't wait to see what my Pee looks like
  25. Watching the women's marathon this morning. Is anyone else waiting to see someone stumble then get ran over by a motorcycle and the camera guy do a front flip?
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