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Everything posted by Gump

  1. Then then if your not likely to vote for a Democrat or Republican your vote is irrelevant.
  2. So we can correctly poll voters we need to know who to poll so the results favor my candidate.
  3. I only have 2 plates.;) I call them the watercraft plate and the utility trailer plate. I can't let them go, the tt is going to pa for a while. im going send someone a POA to pickup the new tag.
  4. Sorry man, I disagree, every time that shithead gives a speach he divides the nation even more.
  5. While it was said many many years ago by a non-politician, honest and highly crude it will bring up the topic of gold diggers. This might gain him votes. If this locker room talk is a shock to you, you've lived in a cave.
  6. Because it's where I live and I like to fish, Jetski, waterski, tow bikes, something to do with my kids and it's how I got all my stuff down here.
  7. Hush puppies are called hush puppies due to soldiers feeding fries corn bread to their dogs to keep them quiet. How did the restaurant figure this out.
  8. Incorrect Bubby. And that would cause more headaches with the other 5 trailers in NC.
  9. I'd really appreciate if you could ask him. If it's not too much trouble.
  10. Gump

    moving house

    Here's what I learned about NC coming from Ohio. IMO 3 months out of the year it's hot and humid as all get out. You can't hang out outside for more than 10 minutes without your clothes drenched in sweat. In the spring there's a month where everything's covered in thick green/yellow pollen 24/7. No one goes in the woods, especially not off trail or kayaks cricks once it's in the 80's or above. Tooooo many copperheads a.k.a. Water moccasins, everywhere! For real. Worst bunch of asshole drivers, I've ever seen but I lived in the sticks in Ohio and ventured smaller cities. Freeway left lane riders are plenty and NO ONE gives them time to get over if they wanted to because everyone is used to the asshole not getting over. No one understands who is supposed to go first at a stop sign. Roads are narrower and not as well lit or marked or something. Might be the intense sunlight or they don't use reflective paint. They only bury there water lines maybe 12"'s. Gutters on houses are optional. Curbs and dividers in the roadways everywhere! I'm not sure why maybe since u-turns r legal they crank up the divider things. Whoever mandates commercial parking lots is a moron. Wherever you'd think, through common sense, there'd be a exit, nope, turn around and/or if there is an additional exit be forced to go the wrong direction on the road because of the dang divider again. Meat prices are high. Sand on the road is a hazard for bikes. You have to pressure wash your house twice a year. They all get moldy because at night the entire house siding is covered in sweat and also tree frogs, which is kinda cool. Houses are not as well insulated as they are in Ohio. I think it's due to different regulations or that it needs to breathe more since it gets so sweaty. Their version of a snowstorm is literally, if it snows. They do get black ice really really bad. Either of those happen, everyone stays home or should. Mowing the grass is extremely easy. The sandy soil does not seem to promote thick grass. They have genetic midget deer. They look like normal bodied deer, slightly smaller, but with short legs. It rains in the fall like it does in the spring in Ohio. "Most" people have a built in southern hospitality that is seemingly more polite than Ohioans. Theres lizards. Very few birds. No rabbits to speak of where they'd normally be in Ohio. Squirrels are smaller. People mow their grass at a 1/4". I'm not sure why. Perhaps so the only thing that can grow is a grass called centipede. Ohio Kentucky bluegrass will not grow here. Well it grows then dies. "Topsoil" bought from a landscape company is dark sand. Topsoil from a box store is old mulch and dark sand. Cars and trucks, while not rusty, carry a premium for not being rusty.
  11. Lol I tried the reverse of that, insurance companies freak out! Not a bad idea though.
  12. Corporate attorney said to and I'm not really sure. made everything easier I guess.
  13. I was afraid that's what I would legally need to do. NC rapes you on title transfers and plates. Be cheaper to gift it to a brother and let them get a plate but then that screws with the insurance that's on it. You should be able to get a trailer plate in Ohio without an Ohio drivers license if you own a house in that state. NC is super picky about utility/boat trailers. No certificate of origin or title, even with a past registration from Ohio and u then have to go to the DMV office at the butt crack of dawn, get paperwork and a number, stamp that number on the trailer, make an appointment for the highway patrol to come inspect it at your house then they sign off on it. Then you go get a plate.
  14. It's being borrowed for a while.
  15. Can I, with NC drivers license?
  16. Camper is titled in Ohio in my name and it stays in Ohio but I live in NC. How the heck do I get a plate for it so it can be taken it to PA for a trip?
  17. I had it done 15 years ago'ish. Friggin freaky procedure. Cured my stress headaches from squinting at a computer all day. Now I have days shits all really really blurry, only direct cause I can figure out is looking at this stupid phone too much. If I stay off it in fine. That can't read tiny things up close is setting in with old age also. I believe it to be unrelated to lasik.
  18. Pfft. You mean the other way around, seriously. He's got a shot against the lying deceitful decingenuous lifer politician a lot of people are sick of. His "lack" of bullshit politician empty talk that always sounds good but means nothing is a plus. His odd ramblings, ego trips, speech mistakes, and bluntness, give us "normal folk" something to relate to. They both suck. If trump does become president it will only be a matter of time before he's sucked into the folds and his speeches sound terrific and mean nothing.
  19. It was a shit show. Neither said anything of substance. They vaguely touched on their tax plans. Hillary held to her disingenuous politician speak of saying nothing and begging for black and minority votes. I'd support stop and frisk. Fuck profiling, who cares, if you can't walk down the street take care of the problem.
  20. I've used one of these for years now. It just hangs there and does its job and has a ton of features you may or may not need.. Novatec chipset is key. The same unit is branded by a lot of importers. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00FONBG1A/ref=mp_s_a_1_20?ie=UTF8&qid=1473081542&sr=8-20&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=dash+cam&dpPl=1&dpID=41PxQ-WAJqL&ref=plSrch
  21. You do not have to provide it if it incriminates you. Even if it is known you have it, you do not have to give it to anyone.
  22. You meet the nicest crack hoes at Love's truck stops.
  23. Working from home also but I get up and walk around.
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