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Everything posted by Gump

  1. Wal-Mary's were having a crazy sale. .308 Rugers and other calibers on sale for $199. Picked up a Mossberg 930 WF for $299. they're prolly all gone now. Peeps were walking out with 4&5 guns.
  2. How come people don't hunt chickens like pheasants? They sleep the same.
  3. How did you find beef bung rings? Bung bands turns up nothing.
  4. It's difficult to find a reliable pinwheel and impossible to find cattle bung hole bands.
  5. Gump

    New Mod Vote.

    The first owl does look similar to @jbot.
  6. Money, Schools, and children with bad influences. Pfft... Screw that teacher, give them shiny new transgendered bathrooms. :/
  7. How come Olympic divers aren't fat? Their routine takes 5 seconds.
  8. This is a little different than having no motivation to work and expecting to be fed and housed. Without even reading it I'm guessing the county was betting on improvements and enjoying the revenue the business brought to the area and expecting expansion.
  9. They made the deals together. Someone kinda got burnt. We should just remove indemnification from corporations then.
  10. How did she recieve welfare or assistance?
  11. What's your point? You just angry? Btw, CVSL owes that money and the counties not exactly going after it.
  12. Saying level playing field is a stretch. How is that creating a level playing field? You're basically saying raise minimum wage and pay workers more. Unless you tie it to, reimburse the gov't for those workers on assistance if your profits are above xyz. I can see more off shore companies already. I think I finally understand the mentality of those who post meme's like the above. We pick a widely known corporation, so there's a connection, tell everyone how much profit they're making to appeal and fuel the entitled attitude, rich haters. Then exploit the buzzword loophole to make everyone think the corporation is cheating because they have money to do so. So simple it's stupid. I'm here thinking what in the world are they talking about? Is it Some super secret only the ultra rich know about and small corps can't do the same.
  13. O. I didn't realize you were looking at from such a simple level. So what are we talking about then? Is your opinion that corporations shouldn't accept, indirectly, tax payer money in the form of food stamps if they make over so much profit?
  14. I like mispeling words. It allows you to feel better about yourself. The article jumps right into the term "loopholes". Replace that buzzword with legal tax deductions and tax avoidance. I don't see where number three is validated.
  15. Do you think being handed a business continues to run successfully on its own? No different from when you're gifted something. Perhaps you should return your Christmas gifts, that is, if you kept it nice. You'd look a gift horse in the mouth.
  16. 1. Really how? Friggin myth. Because they pay minimum wage and those employees are on assistance? Can't have it both ways honey. 2. What business doesnt? Been to a local grocery store lately? 3. Site your source
  17. This mentality is what this thread was was originally about. Who believes the twisted statement and supports this idea. The word "take" sticks out. Should be re-worded. Wal-mart takes legal tax deductions. They're too profitable and successful. Lets find a way to take their money and give it to people.
  18. Do you know why gangs form?
  19. But you can only borrow it for two weeks without paying capital gains tax.
  20. I nominate Marlboroman.
  21. Yes! Can we call it Tax code poophole #11.
  22. Re-powered a JD 212 with GX 390 clone. And converted a JD 316 deck to fit a 212. PIA. Not the most rewarding project ever but finished just in time to try-n-fix the failing hydro drives on the zero turn.
  23. Your point is either extremely weak or yah, I've missed whatever you're trying to make a point about.
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