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Everything posted by Blitzburgh

  1. Blitzburgh


    Pictures of me and the bike after Niagara Falls trip
  2. Like I said on the phone.... If ya need anything no matter how small.... I'm just around the corner..
  3. RIP and thank his family for his great service of this country Moose...
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnxchm7FIfE
  5. Sorry to hear... like Fonze and others have said... Take some time and think it over about riding...
  6. Had my buddy at work mess around some Ideas Him and I had on how I want to redo the bike depending on what the estimate is and what all needs fixed. Figured I would post them up here so I could get some input.. But I bet I would get a better response at say... PA-Riders.net.. Here is the picture of the marbling color I will talk about later.. This is the blue marble and I will be going with yellow marbling... Here is a stock Hayabusa design but I used Black and Yellow or Black and Yellow marbling.. Notice how I used the 3 colored Kanji's as the steelers emblem.. Same as above with the marbling effect added.. Then here is some designs we tried to come up with to kind of resemble the Steelers Helmet from the side.. This one I basically took a circle and ran it over the bike to simulate a helmet. Personally this might be to much yellow on the top of the bike.. This one most of the front of the bike is black and the back is mostly yellow.. This one the black extends a little more towards the back. Same as the one above but trying to show it in the yellow marble paint... I know most of ya could give a ratz azz about the Team but I am looking for some input on what you guys think looks the best both design and if I should go with just the Steelers Yellow/gold or the marble effect paint.. Any and all input is welcomed but just remember guys.. We got the 1 for the thumb last year.. This year we start on the fingers...
  7. Blitzburgh


    From the album: New Paint Ideas

  8. Blitzburgh


    From the album: New Paint Ideas

  9. Blitzburgh


    From the album: New Paint Ideas

  10. Blitzburgh


    From the album: New Paint Ideas

  11. Blitzburgh


    From the album: New Paint Ideas

  12. Blitzburgh


    From the album: New Paint Ideas

  13. Truthfully, I was trying to take the curve to on-ramp wide because I knew Koz was on the inside of me. I was looking ahead and noticed the weird design of the on-ramp when I looked back to my left I seen Fonz and whoever was in front of him almost run off the road. At that point I tried to slow up knowing that I was in a way higher line then U2 were at the point I was at.. Im pretty sure I wasn't on the brakes or anything but the gravel just came to fast for me to lean through.. Looking back at it all, if it was during the daytime I prob would have just stood the bike up and road it out in the grass.. But hey shit happens...
  14. Sorry it has taken so long for me to actually post... Just a little update.. My bike is at cridersville getting an estimate so that part is all good and covered. As for me, I was woke up Sunday at the hotel by a phone call at 10:00AM asking me if I planned on staying another night. Umm no why I asked.. She says "I have your paperwork ready for you at the desk." OK... what time is checkout? She says NOW!!! Im like ohh fucking great day this is going to be.. So I get my shit on and head down to check out. Lucky there was a Flying J across the street for me to hang out for a while.. My Dad didn't even show up till after 2pm.. **Side note.. I walk into the truckers lounge to find 10 guys setting there watching some damn lifetime movie special on a Sunday afternoon.. WOW .... Just WOW.. **Side note #2.. I owe all the women of this world an apology.. You are not the biggest crybaby, gossip talking, whiners of this world.. Set in a Flying J trucker lounge watching Lifetime Sunday movies for about 4 hours with a bunch of old truckers... You will see the light... OK back to the story.. I get home and unload the bike about 7PM. Go right to bed and basically the next 12 hours is a haze.. I get up Monday about 9AM to call my Dr and make an appointment. I tell them I wrecked my bike and I need my hand, arm, and knee looked at.. At this point I am notified that I will have to pay cash for the visit... WTF? Umm chicky I have health insurance that pays 100% I'm not paying shit out of pocket.. Then she goes on to tell me they don't accept health insurance for accidents.. I throw a couple of choice words at her and hang up.. Then being as mad as I was, I called them back just to tell them a couple more choice words.. I just want to add that I am lucky to be able to ride with a group of awesome guys. Thanks to the DTC for helping me out and checking up on me to make sure everything was alright... :bow: Anyways my hand is at about 60% now. The elbow & knee is fine. They just look bad from the bruising.. And here are the pics ..... Bike Damage..... Tail and undertail is torn and ripped. They are toast.. Side body is toast. Nose, inner panels, windscreen, mirror, and brackets are toast. This is where the bike took most of the damage. Tag Relocator is finally trashed and is no longer repairable.. I also bent the front rim, and damaged the exhaust.. And the damage to me... It is hard to see but this was real cool.. The whole palm of my hand was one big bruise that basically went all the way thru my hand to the other side. Here is my forearm. This was WITH a mesh jacket WITH a forearm protector. Here is the bruising on my elbow.. It looks nasty but thats about it.. Here is the bruising on my knee. It is still a little tender but nothing bad at all. I should get my estimate next week and will redo the whole body on the bike. Thinking about buying a complete fairing kit and painted from this place... http://www.grindazinc.net/homepage.htm Aiming at something like one of these 2 pics..
  15. Blitzburgh


    From the album: Wreck

  16. Blitzburgh

    side damage

    From the album: Wreck

  17. Blitzburgh

    palm bruise

    From the album: Wreck

  18. From the album: Wreck

  19. Blitzburgh


    From the album: Wreck

  20. Blitzburgh

    license bracket

    From the album: Wreck

  21. Blitzburgh

    knuckle bruise

    From the album: Wreck

  22. Blitzburgh

    knee bruise

    From the album: Wreck

  23. Blitzburgh


    From the album: Wreck

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