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Everything posted by SAMBUSA

  1. Feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar, moar
  2. Skip the wedding, get a couple hookers and some blow. You'll thank me later
  3. Dont pick a bike depending on color:supergay: They sell paint every day. Get the right bike, then paint it whatever color you want. Even moar ghey to have gear that matches the bike, it's the anti-baller status
  4. Tru dat. I haz a scared tho, he might crush my skull.............crazily
  5. Yeah, slabbing sucks no matter what age or condition you're in. This is a short ride and 30 is a fun road on the east side of ohio and in to PA Edit: You're and old bastard too
  6. This^ The 500 isn't a bad bike, but it's not much different than your Blast. 650 has more power and better handling.
  7. So does that make me a phail boat captain? The boat eats less than the bike does and I can take the entire family at the same time.
  8. You got more than a couple years on me, ya old bastard.
  9. Lets compare. How old and whats in your back?
  10. This year has been a riding phail season for me. Saved me alot of moneyz tho
  11. Toothless? Nah, I've got all my teeth fucktard. I am white trash though but that's a known fact seeing as it's right below my screen name. So good job you. Piss poor rattle can paint job, bicycle mirrors that are only there to keep the bike legal and not for actual use. Prolly shoulda left the stock pipes on there, they gotta be better than the shitty Auto Zone pipes on there now. Piss poor, ugly ass yellow rattle can on the frame that's scratched to hell. Seat doesn't fit as it should. Missing center stand. 50 mpg? Yeah, pass some of that shit you're smokin. Get thicker skin or play a game of hide and go fuck yourself
  12. The tyres he had on in June didn't have enough meat left to get a knife anywhere near them
  13. You shoulda had wheelers put new skins on down there before riding
  14. Brian, you still running those worn out tyres?
  15. It hasn't rained here since you headed south. True story
  16. Quit being a little bitch and get some thicker skin fucko. I can either pick apart every inch of your bike and tell you how its beat to shit or you can look at every FS thread over the last several months and educate yourself about this site. Take your pick
  17. You video tape your morning commute?
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