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Everything posted by SAMBUSA

  1. Hellz nah, I gonna bus a cap in dey bitchazz
  2. Meh, they aren't aloud riding it without me or the wifey supervising. It'll be real easy to tell if they mess with it. Not worried about that too much. By the time they are strong enough to break a screw or nut that I've tightened, they will be big enough to ride it full throttle
  3. I put a governor on it. I can control it to where it wont go over 10 mph
  4. No real problems. Took a little while to get it to fire but that's to be expected after 10 yrs. Fires first crank now. I've still got some motor work to do on it but its just minor adjusting and cleaning
  5. Still have some frame welding to do, which I'm getting ready to start after this post but.......................IT'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!
  6. I think it's funny that you are trying to convince me that something doesn't work when I know first hand that it does. Between my alarm and my Roadlok' date=' I'm confident that my bike is safe. Honestly though, it's paid off and insured for more than it's worth. So if it gets stolen, I profit. FEAR MONGERS :rolleyes:
  7. Black Tod said that it had a 30 second work around............that's what I was responding to.
  8. There's no "work around" short of removing the entire rear wheel and caliper.
  9. Yep and a little coconut. Did ya taste that too?
  10. You get a facial from me on a daily basis and now you want a freebie? FINE...............oh.........oh..............aaaaaaaahhhhhhh. Free pearlnecklace complete.
  11. Like I said, come out and try. And you can try to be a smart ass all you want with the lockssss theeeee wheeeeellls bullshit. But like is said, it's not a wheel lock. There's a big difference between a wheel lock and a disc lock dumbass
  12. It's not a fucking wheel lock:rolleyes:
  13. If anyone gets a Banshee, it would be me and since I've already got a quad I cant really justify another one.
  14. Why? Do you have any experience with Roadlok?
  15. Hey, did that powersports shop in Rapelesburg move?
  16. Except how to avoid deer. ZING!!!!!
  17. You forgot about Kawacrappy line of quads didn't ya? That would be a step down from a Honduh
  18. If the new ones weren't so expensive she'd be starting on a Zuk.
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