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Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by Ron Burgundy

  1. i only had one wreck so far.. me and buddy were coming back from newark and i was on 541.. we stopped to take a piss break and we decided to switch bikes (dummest mistake of my life) we got back on them and started back into it.. 5 minutes later i came into a left hand corner a lil to hot.. the corner peaked at the top and went back down.. my front raised up and shot me straight off of the road and down the hill.. i tried to lay the bike down on its side so i could just slide down the hill and not to damage the bike or myself that much.. well it did not work out as planned.. the bike caught and highsided.. i knocked myself out.. i woke up next to the bike with tunnel vison and no idea of what happend.. i the bike and myself ended up in someone's driveway.. the bike hit a 100 pound watering trough on a cast iron bracket.. the bowl part of it ended up on the other side of the driveway.. i called my dad to bring the truck and come get the bike.. took the bike home and called the sheriffs office and they came and did a report for the accident.. they told me to go to the hospitial to get looked at.. i ended up spending a day in a half in ICU with a concussion and bruised shoulder.. it was the worst mistake of my life riding someone else's bike.. ill never do it again.. i LEARNED from my stupidity..
  2. im a bud select guy.. also miller
  3. no damnit.. i had my G-String on.. thats prolly why..
  4. i just tried to register for core but they wouldnt let me have the name Ron Burgundy?
  5. fucktard.. haha yeah by the way.. i have this mint bike i wanna get rid of.. ill post pics later! haha
  6. hey thats a pic of me in that first pic!
  7. lol fucktard.. half fucker half retard.. both stupid (todd #43) i loose it everytime! hahaha
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