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Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by Ron Burgundy

  1. i just got another knee injury.. doc told me to ice and keep off it awhile.. but yet they told me to return to work until i see a othapitic(sp) surgen.. what could i do to keep my mind occupied? IM BORED!!
  2. and it runs, its in perfect riding condition and clear title
  3. adam and i do our own tires.. just matching up the line is almost a perfect balance! cheap and good eating! haha
  4. its going to be awhile before keller is back anyway.. by the time she is back lay offs with be done with!
  5. well the thing is, if they do lay off the road men, you are ahead of 3 already and i know that they cant bump the dispatchers because they all been there longer than the road deputy's. ur good trust me.
  6. i dont think you will have to worry about getting laid off
  7. Hi there! Welcome to the site!!!!
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BV8yfpKUnmg[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BV8yfpKUnmg][/ame]
  9. whats the big deal? as issac papa said.. he was just chillen doing some ice fishing and fell in.. it was completly a accident.. whats the big deal?
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoRD1wmvwUc
  11. i would have to say that would of been one of the best rides i have had all last summer!
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