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Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by Ron Burgundy

  1. i think they are.. i really do.. the more they eat the more nicks there are..
  2. Its REAL!! lol Yeah hes a homo Few of the C-Town guys
  3. no no no.. not the shocker by any means.. lol
  4. if we can meet at 3 i can get a few more people.
  5. i may be down there.. 1 at McDonalds. sounds like its going to be a good turn out
  6. Them dogs are crazy.. they have pink skin.. they have lock jaws like a pit bull..
  7. im ready for a zombie attack!!
  8. im down for playing! i got a smart parts SP-8. give me a date and time and im there!
  9. granted, but the next big thing is golf.. i wish i had a magical taint..
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