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Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by Ron Burgundy

  1. Thats how it happend.. put 2 and 2 together.. we were in the 3rd quarter with 3 min. remaining.. he intercepted it and ran it back for 60 yards.. i threw the controller which caused me to go off the road.. my buddie stopped and put the controller down when he seen my flipping down the hill.. i got off the ground and finished out the game.. i came out on top..
  2. i just put a xbox 360 on mine.. i enjoy long rides while getting a couple games of madden in.. my buddy rides besides me with a wired controller so he cant get to far from me or it gets unplugged.. thats what we usually do.. Make the rides much more fun at times..
  3. Now that you said that.. thats a pretty good idea.. just put it in place of a frame slider!:grin:
  4. Glad to here your ok.. u came out better than i did.. lol
  5. +1 thats where i always go.. any type of game you can think of
  6. its a 06. The tires are brand new on it.
  7. Just got the news.. my buddy told me the bike is totalled, $10,200 worth of damage.. R.I.P. R6..
  8. Song is sweet, i love it.
  9. Well i talked to Allstate the other day and they are going to pay for the bike and some of my medical. Still no word on if its totalled or not. They took it up to Mid-Ohio and they are going to make the decison. And i do have my permit but the only reason they had to ticket it me because its policy due to having injury's. But everything else is going pretty good.. still a little shooken up but i think im going to take a break on riding for awhile but ill get back on it as soon as the time is right.
  10. Well me and my buddy went out riding on Tuesday.. Went out to eat and then on the way back we decided to trade bikes.. (dumb idea) but anyways the ride back was going good until i came up onto this sharp left corner that dropped down a hill.. the only i remember is going off the road and laying the bike down.. i smashed my face so hard into the ground that it knocked me out cold for a good 2 min. I woke up laying beside the bike about 40 yards from the turn in a persons driveway. I woke up with tunnel vison and could not remember a thing... at first i thought i might have been dreaming until my buddy came up on my bike asking me if i was alright.. but i just kept asking him.. "what happend? what happend?" but after i took some time to get my head on strait i relized that i did smash his bike up pretty good.. i walked up the hill and collected all of the pieces off of the hill.. Called my dad up and we loaded up the bike and headed to the house. When we got home i called a the sheriffs office to come and do a report so we could turn it in to the insurance company.. the deputy told me that i need to head to the hospital to get checked out.. so i went and spent the night in I.C.U. and found out i had a pretty good concussion and a pretty stoved up right shoulder. But think god for wearing a helment or i would be dead right now.. heres some pics of the crash..
  11. That would be cheeseburger eddy!! "i got the fries that cross your eyes, i got the shakes that make you quake.. i got the burgers... i just got the burgers!!"
  12. 209 is ugly.. real ugly...
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