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Posts posted by Fonzie

  1. I've been warned before coming here, but I'm brave.

    I may or may not know a Black Tod (who only uses one D???)

    I may or may not own a dual sport (Don't hate me...)

    I may or may not have been a member of Detroit Sport Bikes in the past.....

    I may or may not work for a holster company (I hope my first post doesn't get me an infraction.....)

    I have seen the Asian Afro....and I'm gonna chop that thing off with a set of hedge clippers next time!

    I like this guy already!! :D

    Hey Tom, you couldn't correct your spelling? I can feel another avatar change coming soon.

    MewwHaaaHaaaHaaaa :cool:

    My afro is just about to start falling so it will be coming off soon.

    You gotz it lookin' like this now??


  2. I had this similar thing happen to me years ago with the Bird, on the expressway at highway speeds no less. Needles went haywire... Then next thing I know I'm coasting at 70mph

    It was either the r/r, or the battery... Can't remember which anymore, or when/why I replaced the r/r.

    If yours is like mine... r/r is under the tail cowl, mounted to the subframe. Easy fix

    Rick's makes good aftermarket electrical parts. Old Yami used to eat stators 'til I got a Ricks

  3. Actually he hung himself out to dry, I just called him out on what he had done. In the grand scheme of things I probably did him a favor, he owned up to what he had done wrong and made the necessary changes in his life to become a better father and husband.

    After we exchanged a couple PM I dropped it completely. I also dealt with Ross until he was able to move past it.

    A regular Mother Teresa you are :cool:

    Do me a favor Garr... DON'T do me any favors :lol:

  4. He knows more about bikes than probably anyone on this board.

    Just ask him, & he'll confirm that for you

    i think there has been enough pointless debates in this thread already with out starting anouther

    people will think what they want to think.. why need to drag it out enough..

    i dissagree with some of both sides.. but i still dont believe a "non" perma ban was ever warranted..

    what pisses me off is that this thread continues to go on with out the OP.. its should be locked and forgotten not drug out talking about infractions

    my 2 cents are in.. and im going to sleep.

    Twist... You've always seemed pretty cool to me, & I got no beef w/ you. My late response after Brian found his way to the banhammer, is because I'd been gone all afternoon, kept getting txt's from people about what was bein' said about me, & had to sift through pages of BS once I got home, to find all the crap & insults Brian'd posted to/about me

    It's no different from when someone gets bounced outta the bar... Everyone inside's still talkin' about him & what just happened

  5. Just got home & finally got to see what people have been txt'ing/PM'ing me about. You know Brian... I went out of my way to make my responses to you earlier civil & professional, while you kept whining & whining to Ben about how you just simply couldn't understand why your thread got moved

    Fonzie, look. Not very many people like you at all.

    Seriously Brian... That's what you're gonna lead with??


    I'm extremely comfortable with who my friends in life are. Maybe you haven't heard... But I throw a couple parties/rides every year... And maybe I'm hallucinating... But they seem pretty well attended. Not to brag, but we had 50+ people "who don't like me" at Buddy's 6 weeks ago :rolleyes:

    + we've got another group goin' to the Gap this summer.

    You on the other hand... Have you ever wondered why so many people seem to bristle when you start braggin' about yourself & how you're the bestest rider who gets to ride the bestest/fastest bikes, or how you are the know all/end all of gear/products, & how most of the rest of us don't know nothin' compared to you??

    Here's a clue... Nobody likes a braggart & a know it all. Here's another clue... Just because you know you're this way, & tell everyone that you know you're this way... Doesn't make it OK to act this way ;)

    Most of us learned that lesson of how to get along with others in kindergarten

    Or how about why more people don't seem to take you up on all your track day "tutorial" offers. Frankly... I'd love to do a trackday sometime, but your mere presence turns me off more than Susan Boyle glamor shots suicidesmiley-1.gif

    And btw... Your whole post here is quite humorous, if you knew how many mods can't stand you, & the many posts/threads that have been had the last couple years regarding how badly some want to get rid of you

    Some have even offered to pool together $100 to give to Casper & replace your sponsor $$, just so we can be done with you

    Why you are a mod when you act the way you do is beyond me, but as Ben stated, he does it for the people and not himself. So, whatever you do when under the desk is between you two.

    What Ben & I do under, on, or inside his desk is between us whacky039.gif

    Do me a favor - lay off.


    If you have something constructive to add or maybe something even whitty, by all means. STT was dropped because we weren't going to sponsor again and thought it was confusing doing the KTM stuff and the STT stuff and the Mid-Ohio stuff. I changed when we became a sponsor.

    Not that I should have to explain, but since you like to stir shit up, there ya go.

    Remember the principal's voice on Charlie Brown??


    You seem to have little dick syndrome and that's perfectly fine.

    I make Howard Stern look huge... What's your point??

    I can play amateur Dr. Phil too... As much as you brag about yourself on here... You must be an itsy bitsy teenie weenie too with all the overcompensating you try to do :rolleyes:


    There have been some really fine examples of what people stated in this thread that were civil and professional. Then, the little gang bang group keeps it going with the slams and the personal attacks. I'm pretty much fed up.

    As I already stated above... My first couple replies to you, I went out of my way to be civil & professional in what I wrote to you. However... Your continued whining & theatrics were worse than my teenage daughters... And that's sayin' somethin'

    Not to mention the pack rat of followers that wanna get attention like the feedback that John gave. Nice touch. Real manly.

    We can't all be perfect manly men like you, or who would you continuously brag about yourself to??


    To the guys that I do not mean to lump in to the group - shitty, redkow, twizted, and a few others I am forgetting - I apologize as I am not associating you with the other loud mouths and shit stirrers. I appreciate your comments and will always invite you to sit and shoot the shit any time.

    That's what I call irony at it's finest, seein' as how Shitty's the one who hung you out to dry last fall & was threatening to tell your wife some stuff/hanging your marriage over your head. Ben did you a solid though, & cleaned that little shit storm up from public view. Bet he's feelin' really appreciated right about now

    All this over a stupid thread about bikes... You guys are a real trip. And I get the sarcastic "classy" comment...:rolleyes:

    And yet... You keeeeep comin' back

    I don't think you do "get it". See Brian... It's all about you. Pretty much anybody else on here could've posted that same thing, & it wouldn't have become this shitstorm it has on here, because you were the OP goodboy.gif

    Think about that ;)

  6. ...if you ever rode such a bike in it's intended element...

    But, a guy that has a 10 plus year old bike probably wouldn't understand.:nono:

    Lizard/STT Brian/KTM Brian... Obviously a graduate of Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends & Influence People"

    Classy. :rolleyes:


    I have an 8 year old bike because I have a 14 year old daughter. Come to think of it, I have a 10 year old car for that reason too.

    Amen Brother... AMEN!! :D

    Did you ever get your free track days?


    So does this make Brian like an internet Charlie Sheen, since he wins on every forum he's on. :D

    Bi-Winning... Winning over here, & winning over here

    • Upvote 1
  7. I'm asking for my own situation. Just using my buddy's story as a reference point for my question.

    Wife qualified for our new home all on her own... I'm a stay @ home dad & finishing my Bachelors to graduate in May. I did the same for her when I was working on the railroad, & she refused to work while finishing her degree(s)

    Marriage is very tenuous right now, & I'm just wondering what, if any, rights I have to this new property, as I'm not listed on any of the loan docs.

  8. Even if I'm not listed on the note, do I have to be listed on the mortgage?

    I had a buddy who had to list his wife on the mortgage, even though he qualified for the loan without her, & she was NOT listed on the note, or any other of the loan docs

    He was told that it was because Ohio's a dowry state, & that those rights cannot be given away

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