I think the whole town will be on fire if he leaves. Cleveland's gonna look like Mad Max at Thunderdome tonight I mostly agree with this statement. Haven't been to a pro baseball game in almost 10 years.... Prefer seein' the Mud Hens, never to a pro hoops game, & only a couple NFL games.... And many of you know how big a Steeler's fan I am Had an epiphany when I was bustin' my ass on the railroad one New Year's Eve, when they'd called me in to start work at midnight & I was hating my life. Why do we pay these spoiled brats to play a children's game, while many of us toil in jobs we hate?? I've never felt the same about professional sports since.... Totally took away my enthusiasm, except for a few special instances ^ ^ This.... Is a lot of what I've been hearin', for the last couple months especially. I think he's convinced/been convinced, by Nike & whoever gives him counsel, that the only way he's going to increase his $$ off the court & globally.... Is to win a championship & be in a bigger team market. He's in the elite club of actually making more off the court, than he does on it, which is why he'd be willing to take less from a bigger market team who may also have to foot the bill for a Wade or Bosh, if it means it'll increase his off court earnings. ESPN even did a thing a couple weeks ago, about how Kobe is at least twice as big as LeBron in China & the rest of the world, because internationally, they only care about champions, whereas here in the States, most people at least give him credit for being the next Kobe & the one who's closest to being a viable threat to Kobe