I picked up the first part of the toy yesterday from Dale at Delta-Epsilon. While there I had him order me a Spikes 10.5 LE upper and a dedicated .22 upper from CMMG that will be cut down to match the Spikes barrel. I also got all the accessories order. (wish I would have know Dale had a bunch of Magpul stuff) The lower is registered as "other" so that I can use it as a pistol until I get the money to send in for the SBR stamp. It was manufactured by AGP from AZ. This is what the the uppers will look like once completed. The .22 upper is up top. I'm gonna put a fake can on it that fits back into the rail until I get the money for a .22 can. I actually got to hold my Gemtech G5 while down at Dales. Can't wait to be able to take it home. I think I'm going to turn my current are back in to a KISS rifle with just irons and the standard hand guard, even thought about getting an A2 stock for it.