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Posts posted by 4DAIVI PAI2K5

  1. Hope not  - our little podunk county school district's Superintendent makes $190,000 per year. Football coaches make $100,000 per year and don';t teach! Until they learn some financial responsibility; fuck'em.

    If the levy was for armed cops in the schools only - I'd be all for that. 

    Eric do you know if there is a place this is published? Looking for local numbers but all I can find is teachers wages. 

  2. Let's do it



    We have range days. Work on drills and such not just random shooting. We combine a bunch of drills from classes we have taken and combine them all for a few hours of shooting. 

  3. I know you're not alone in this, would like to hear more as to what it was supposed to accomplish and if it did?  I haven;t seen any changes except for that ammo prices suck, gun prices are the same they were, easy to get, etc.  What was the point by the administration and what did it accomplish, not bashing you btw, just really curious because I know there are others, probably on here with the same opinion.


    Was Aurora the same thing?  Again, not picking a fight, seriously am curious as to reasoning. 

    There were a a bunch state level laws that were passed both for an against firearms. 



    I read that he and his mommy only talked via email, hadnt talked to his brother in 2 years and hadnt spent much time with his father before hand. Pretty much cut him self off from his family. 


    he had a bunch of info about killing kids and suicide along with things on mass murders. 

  4. She was just as bat shit crazy as him.


    6 mins from on scene to entry is nuts. All the guys at the office say the same thing. The door locks and the floor to ceiling glass windows next to a hardened door is just dumb.  


    Just as everyone knew the kid was nuts, off his mom with a .22 bolt action...


    His mother was an enabler. 

    • Upvote 2
  5. This bill is causing me Facebook ulcers...


    A mutual friend of mine posted a link to an article about this, and my (I thought very diplomatic) response was something to the effect of "all this means is that victims are no longer obligated to retreat before responding to an attacker with lethal force."


    Of course someone's ultra-liberal friend had to oppose my characterization that that is "all" the bill means...  He's claiming that black people are going to be dead in the streets, and this law will make it impossible to convict shooters in gang violence scenarios, blah blah blah.


    My take is; even if I'm willing to assume that the statistics he's spewing are accurate, that is pointing out a racial bias in the judicial system, and not a flaw with this specific piece of legislation.


    I'm willing to acknowledge that the statistics show black males are 280 times more likely to be convicted of shooting white people (or whatever the stat is) - that doesn't mean that I don't think all victims (no matter what race they are) should be allowed to respond to an attack with equal force before retreating.  Blaming the victims for being attacked is just stupid.


    I should have asked this guy if he thinks rape victims should have to attempt to retreat before they fight back too...




  6. It's a TLR 3 love it!!! Do you like the stipple job :) I'm going stippling nuts on page lol

    Strange. My TLR 3 doesn't have the silver ring. It is about 2-3 years old. As the first one I had the mount cracked on it. 



    and my TLR 1 has the metal head with the silver ring. 





    Yeah man, it looks good I wouldn't have done the light but other then that it looks good. 

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