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Everything posted by 4DAIVI PAI2K5

  1. walhounding hillls camp ground for trails. nice to camp with the family they have showers and a pool, we go on the holiday weekends as my buddy parents own it and we have a drunken ball. his dad spends about 10 grand on fireworks for the 4th!!
  2. we were laughing so fricken hard! in a bout 1 sec guy went from front wheel up to level to rear wheel 3 ft in the air with front about a foot off the ground we all just watched in amazment! haha i think we all did for the rest of the day haha made that ride home worth it!
  3. i gotta work at 3. so ill only be out till like 230. ron will get off work when i get into work so he'll prolly be riding after wards with u guys
  4. isnt that the truth!! yeah no kidding and my kids will have a note to school giving them permission to beat their ass if they get outta line and then to call me so i can beat it again when they get home.
  5. ^^^ you coming over tonight?? i wanna change the front sprocket on the SuMo tonight
  6. haha we always take 555 to 60 if they repaved that whole road it would be f'in crazy!!!
  7. its crazy when i was little we played football and rode bmx bikes and played in the creek and played wiffle ball and just basiclly outside 24/7 only played video games at night or during the storms. now a days i never see kids out side playing unorganized sports
  8. ^^^^ meet us if we go! hard u still planing on coming down on sat?
  9. holy shit man! thats a long fucking way!!! i still say wv!
  10. ighty we normally take 78 down but thought about going over and checking hocking out. mayeb 78 to 664 to cbus to kick ross in the face then home
  11. seth we really need to paint the wish bone plates, or what ever they are called, black!!
  12. what that means is that im gonna fuck ur mother
  13. as it states, what roads do u guys ride in hocking??
  14. and also that powder coating looks goooood. soem one must be very cool to have that done for u....
  15. haha is that there pink skin takin a pink skin poo in the back round?
  16. anyone want to ride? thoguth about going to hocking if ron wants to go. if not we might be around here all day
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