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Everything posted by 4DAIVI PAI2K5

  1. i hate how i found out that stone won the GP just by looking at a thread title. and im so annoyed with 1/2 of the new post being from MCN about the most random stupid stuff.... sorry had to vent.... go on about ur day now.
  2. haha im so country! ill throw a sheep at u, to distract u, while i get my ninja stars out!
  3. should change ur name to mad scientist
  4. what the heck i just realized no ones is showing up on my screen?? what the gay!!
  5. i cant beleive whodey has chimed in yet... im disappointed
  6. u stalking him now??? he doesnt even have it posted as to what he rides...
  7. pony is the "steel colt" and blowskis are what make the world go round! part 1 - suck a dick! part 2 - make it moodys
  8. get me and oil filter for the 450 andget moody a blowski from one of the hott chicks that work there.
  9. oh yeah!!!! beat it up! yeah like it too!!!
  10. two FAILS in a row this is not good. not good at all...
  11. FAIL... its a link to a link u fool!
  12. eva has def. let herself go. its a crying shame i tell ya
  13. no kidding i want one just for the hell of it now! i think the bikes might fit in sideways... at least the 70 would haha
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