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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. SHARK FTW! shark helmets are one of the best helmets made. most likely will be my next helmet. that and because of the 3mm thick visor
  2. clicky i may not know what it says but just looking at the pictures is good enough for me. remember this is a freaking model not the real thing. TONS of pictures so it will take a while. hell he even scuffed the tires to make them look used... one example, think of as a way to get you to click and look further:
  3. nope no dampner. my bike's too old to have that technology factory installed lol another thing is, that this is the exact one ive been looking for. i dont really need it like i said but i really dont see it getting any cheaper than this...
  4. there is an ohlins steering dampner for sale around 200 (on ebay so it will probably go up when it gets closer to end date) still in the box never mounted. the thing is, i've never had any headshake problems and have never had a moment where it made me think i needed one. deal or no deal? and whats the max bid you would put up?
  5. make sure you keep your coolers off the bridge this time...
  6. i think whodey found the "font size" button haha and don't worry bud just get a dremel and cut that cast off you'll be good in no time! ^dont do that... i broke my left hand pretty good in soccer (i was goalie going for ball other guy kicked my hand instead of the ball) took a few weeks for it to stop hurting then it was more of the hurry up and wait to get the cast off. sorry bout your luck! at least you'll get to ride before the season ends...
  7. 85 in a 35, following too closely, passing on a double yellow (right after a light, guy in front just wasn't cutting it) apparently the deputy was following me for a while (around 10 miles) out in the country but all with no lights until we got in town. mirrors full of ford grille so im like wtf? and i pulled into the high school i was at this guy followed then whooped me and turned on his lights. it was the most fun he's had in a long time he said. i only got a warning and told me to be more safe and thanks for letting him stretch his legs haha. pulled me over in the high school parking lot in front of band camp though. sweet.
  8. what td are you going to at mid oh? im signed up for the 12th in novice as well, hopefully i can get into group 1 or 2... going with a buddy of mine from another board. look for a red r6 with a bunch of stickers that make it go fast only thing im concerned about with novice is "following the leader" like at MSF where we could only go as fast as the slowest guy, but im sure it wont be like that at all especially in 1 and 2
  9. no can do on 8/3--thats supercycle weekend! chris--any advantage to SS clutch lines? are you getting SS all around, how much and where?
  10. ill be there on saturday but im heading up that way on friday...
  11. just a thought for the calendar, although im not sure how it looks, just that it had "ohio-riders" with a plain white background... is to get pictures of peoples bikes from the forum on the different calendar months. we could just make another "post your motorcycle pics" thread with a poll, top 12 get their pics in the calendar for that year, and continue it every year. not sure of cost or anything, just seemed like a good idea. hope you can make it work ben, cuz i know you can!
  12. no no you don't have to get a 1000. just listen to chris' (playerpro) exhaust and you will wet yourself three times or more. its even worse when you have to ride behind him on the highway, then its just like constant
  13. schwing! +1 for the yamaha team!
  14. keep your eye on where you want to BE not where you are going... words of wisdom from my mentor.
  15. ^i thought i read he was just waiting for everything to work itself in (ie stop smoking) before he put it back on?
  16. natedogg624

    Ride 7/27

    did you guys talk to the sheriff at that local bar thing near caesers creek? sorry i couldn't go for the whole thing, but if you guys would let me know farther in advance i can plan for this stuff. i knew about this tourney probably since may haha.
  17. natedogg624

    Ride 7/27

    Joe... what in the BLUE FUCK are you wearing?! better not be a fichigan hat...
  18. you mean the part where everyone goes home? yea it was a good 20 minute ride for me lol
  19. ok i get the math behind it 2+2=4 yada yada... how do you get those numbers?
  20. well if you really wanna be gutsy, teh back brake can solve your problems not create more.. ie instead of chopping the throttle upsetting the suspension because your running wide a little bit of rear brake will fix it and tighten your line...
  21. there are lot of cbus riders heading down to dayton. check out the "ride 7/27" thread in the dayton subforum just another idea.
  22. careful with HH pads (thats what im assuming since you didn't say otherwise) in the rear, your going to be more prone to lock it up since its a "stickier" compound. be very careful.
  23. i had them on my bike, and i helped put them on my friends bike. he likes them a lot, they were cool for me but then when i was doing my winter cleaning i pulled them off and just decided to not put them on again. they are pretty bright if you put them in good spots, i think the usual is under the tail, under the front and in the side. i would recommend getting the power module, makes it compact and easy. plus it lets you plug everything into that, while you still only have two wires going to the battery. o and one more thing, i would get the flexi strips over the solid mounts, if you plan on getting those long strips of led lights.
  24. ah well my mistake, their are just so many bikes with them on now...
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