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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. i believe most of the bikes in these pics come with factory stripes, except for the gixxer thats aftermarket they "reflect," not glow to be technically correct haha
  2. ha OSU medical center is supposed to be world class or maybe thats just their cancer research and everything else is crap because they budget all their money towards the james and leave nothing for the rest.
  3. 30-40 bucks per side thats 60-80 total
  4. your just jealous nick haha one day you will be sporting them. hell most of the bikes come that way from the factory nowadays or so it seems.
  5. finishing my brake setup off this winter with that very combination and i thought just doing pads was a good improvement, guess im in for a shock
  6. natedogg624

    Ride 7/27

    don't forget your underwear... don't worry about your riding style, this will be twisty for sure. we won't kick you out because your too slow. with this group being as large as its sounds like its going to be, there will be people who are in the same boat as you. and go at your own pace, we will always wait for you at a stop sign or change of direction. i know their will be a few of us riding full leathers myself included if my back can handle it. we OR guys are here to help not to make fun.
  7. www.tapeworks.com awesome quality stuff man and A++ costumer service. i think the reflective rimtape is the most popular item from them.
  8. natedogg624

    Ride 7/27

    i sure hope wolfman finds his bike... that sucks since he's the one who organized all this!!
  9. i've never heard of lowering pegs, although i can see why. the only kinds i know of raise and push it back for a more aggressive style.
  10. reflective rim tape FTW haha that Kawasaki looks pretty nice especially with the monster stickers. i used to be a kawi guy before i turned to yamahas...
  11. at least you get noticed. id rather be annoying as hell and be noticed than have some lady pull out in front of me claiming she didn't see me coming.
  12. im going to break out my email... brb ok this is the owner of calsportbike.com, names todd, very knowledgeable and friendly guy. i recommend him to anyone. my questions in italics his response:
  13. a little gravel can be a big problem... but thats ok because you'll be in front so if you go down i know when to slow down lol im sort of tempted to go out there and sweep those corners haha
  14. well for me leaving from my house at 10 (i live 5 minutes from the mtg place) and then i didn't get back til 130-2 and i left early... assuming we are doing the "norm" just be careful on the second road after you get on 42, little rocky other than that have fun!
  15. you talking about the cbus/cincy/dayton ride on sunday? i wanna hear this thing.
  16. natedogg624

    Ride 7/27

    by the way these "lol" guys are little overdramatic the lol is more of an rofl not just a lol satan change it foo! please.
  17. natedogg624

    Ride 7/27

    are you for shiiizzle? its on page 1, just click "first"
  18. when i get back to cbus for school, id be more than happy to show you guys around.
  19. i thought you were going to show me a picture of brownies now i am disappointed and hungry thanks.
  20. nice bike... welcome!
  21. natedogg624

    Ride 7/27

    well i haven't ridden hard in a long time and unfortunately i haven't been out for the sunday rides since june i believe, and im due for a little warm up quickie adrenaline rush. but i dont think i can handle a long ass ride and then a full blown soccer tourney though. ill be there just not sure ill make it the whole way, ill probably pull out at 42 before the rocky roads. plus if this is the "ultimate" dayton meet i suppose i can present myself. haha
  22. how do you get into said #1 and #2 groups of novice? is it at the gate or what? lizard told me to do that but he hasn't replied as to how to do that. he also mentioned that they are quick to move novice peeps up if they feel they can handle it. im with r1 on this, i just don't want to be held up by the slowest guy. i want to ride to and improve my own ability not to the ability of the slowest rider... even though im sure i will be slow in some spots. whats the best way to get the attention so that they can assess whether or not you can handle it? and do they just follow me or what?
  23. natedogg624

    Ride 7/27

    well damn i just might have to show up for this now...
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