Need a little electronic thinking help to make sure I have this thought out correctly. I'm taking the radiator fans from my r6 that I removed and building them into a work table. Ideally I'd like to run them off my inverter/generator. I can't find the exact specs on the fans, but the fuse rating for them is 15A per fan, x 12V would be ~180W/fan, ~360W total. Where I'm stuck right now is figuring out how to get these to run off my generator. Could I use something like this (eBay link), or would I need an inverter? The only problem I have is I can't find an inverter that takes a 120V input and outputs to 12V. Or, an alternate easy solution would be to re-use a spare LiIon motorcycle battery I have lying around and just keep battery plugged in with it's charger adapter. I know this is an oddball project and there are easier ways I'm just trying to see if this can work as a fun side project.