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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. someone got in trouble by the misses.
  2. i know you're a good guy and all, but dude... with love (no homo), me
  3. natedogg624


    natalie portman? hell yes.
  4. use facebook to its upmost potential. you can basically have your company startup website via facebook. pay for the ad drop within fb, they work and they work extremely well and efficiently.
  5. ^best episode ever. the bus idea is actually kind of neat. clearly some problems foreseen but neat idea nonetheless.
  6. wondering when someone was going to make a gt5 thread. i've been playing for a while, lvl 23 a spec working on my b spec now since i'm just working the grind in a spec to get lvl 24. haven't played much anymore since being on break. i picked up s2000 for my first car. word of advice, either do a and b spec at the same time, or don't sell your early shitty a spec cars. you also get better prize cars in b spec as more of an incentive to do the b spec mode. best car so far in the game (besides the alms/f1 cars) is the new corvette zr1 c6 with racing modification done. many on the gt planet forum would agree.
  7. must be nice to make money just by waking up in the morning.
  8. hmmm no r6 kits. bump tho for a top notch guy with some of the best service around.
  9. isn't legal tint 50% for the front two windows? not busting balls just curious as im looking at tint options right now as well. do you just say the hell with it or do you roll down your windows everytime you see a cop?
  10. if you feel so compelled, all the songs are free from their site: http://illegal-art.net/allday/
  11. just found this today from another site, pretty awesome! http://mashupbreakdown.com/
  12. can't wait for the 9/11 classified docs to come out... zeitgeist anybody?
  13. natedogg624


    miror lake jumpap o yaa!
  14. it runs well enough that i don't get aggravated when running itunes/chrome/photoshop or fireworks on it all at the same time. the only time i notice the slow speed is when im running parallels, which is when im running windows 7 within the mac os. also my processor speed is 2.26Ghz with 2Gb of ram and im running this apps just fine, the new entry level is 2.4 w/4Gb of ram so im sure you will be fine for what you need to do with the portable laptop. an upgraded hdd will help out with file recall speed, 7200 is very good for everyday use. don't buy direct from apple of course, any normal sata drive you see on newegg.com will work fine and install is a breeze.
  15. i like how they're all looking over at him haha
  16. should have added some compression clicks to that rear...
  17. the 13.3 is enough for me and my uses for college routine. plus i come home and plug it in to a 24" external monitor, so maybe that helps.
  18. the first part of that post doesn't make any sense... and if by sick you mean awesome then thanks! lol i've gotten a lot of compliments on the sound as well as the volume of it as well. yes i do still ride white/black r6 with an unmistakeable rossi five continents replica. ive had too many close calls to count, and i'll ride as long as the roads are dry if its below freezing. if its above freezing i'll ride pending hurricane... anyways here is my speedtest, this is with me being the only one on right now and we have 15d/2u package
  19. anybody else have wow and not have problems? we have the highest package regarding internet, 15mb dl/ 2 mb up. this is ridiculous, i run speed tests all the time and the most we get is 8mb/s download on a wireless computer. this is when there are no other connections except the one running the test. albeit we have 6 guys in the house with maybe 14 potential internet devices, but never all on at the same time. sometimes its great, other times its god awful. id rather it be consistent and slower than maybe fast and often slow. we've had a tech out here at least 4 times to diag the system but of course by the time they get out here the system is back up to pique. i think "wow" is just a reaction people get when customer realize how awful their internet is...
  20. you will have no problem with these new mbp running what you need to with office software or adobe products. maybe not all at the same time on teh laptop, but you'll know if its too intense before it ever comes close to crashing. if you need more memory, all laptops, pc or mac, have expandable ram slots these days. easy to buy bigger ones off the web or at the store and slot in new ones. or if by memory you mean hard drive space, same deal, both pc and mac have easy to upgrade hard drives. matter of fact, i had a 1Tb internal from my old pc laptop that i installed into my new mac laptop no problem (other than reformatting).
  21. be prepared for teh mac vs pc war... it seems as though you are already set in getting mac which is great! i switched from pc to mac and looking back it was probably the best decision, the platform/os is extremely simple to use (difficult at first coming from pc) and everything just works. -- mostly because apple controls everything. no stupid error messages or viruses, its extremely trustworthy. no spyware to slow it down, its running the same performance numbers today as it did when i first unboxed it, without the need for any virus scans etc. the quality of the machine and the looks are second to none, no plastic or oddities. screen is amazingly clear. aside from the price its the best piece of tech i have in my house along with other apple periphs. as for your questions: the program i am running are iwork -- this is the mac version of office, all file formats are compatible so no worries about sending files to a pc friend. really out of all this i only use keynote mostly because of how seamlessly it works with keynote remote app for iphone/itouch especially since im doing a lot of presentations now with school. the numbers (excel) program is actually pretty sweet, but i dont use it enough. ilife -- this new version they released (should be included on your mbp) is just awesome. iPhoto is really a great tool now that they added some cool features that you can see on the apple website showcasing the software. of course microsoft office -- even though its the same as iwork, there may be some instances where it may be necessary to pull something from here out. plex -- THE BEST movie/media viewing entertainment software you will find bar none. best part is its free standard vlc movie player for your quick movies when you don't want to dive into the plex experience final express for serious movie editing, or if you just want simple, iMovie that is included in iLife is really great now as well any adobe software (photoshop, fireworks, illustrator, etc...) work seamlessly on the mbp. parallels for when you want to jump over to windows to run that exe file real quick, this allows you to run the windows os as an application within mac os, pretty cool actually. if you're into torrents: transmission for torrents frostwire for quick individual songs other than that, i just started using bento which has a lot of cool little things that looked good at first, haven't really used it enough to say yay or nay, just putting this out there. enjoy and hope this helped.
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