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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. so its basically one session on one of the new bikes. hmmm always wanted to try the new R1...
  2. you looking for litre bikes only? my roommate has a 07 FZ6 w/full leo and the other basic mods.
  3. dude you just proved my point with that vid. you don't REALLY hear the car until as its passing and after. sure you can "hear" it because the video camera is focused on the object and out in open space. put the video camera with the microphone pointed opposite the oncoming cars direction (not pointed straight at it) inside a vehicle with the radio on and it's a completely different story.
  4. sound is directional, how do people hear you coming when the exhaust is pointed to the rear?
  5. i just stumbled upon Plex for mac and WOW. i wish i had the vocabulary to explain how awesome it is. this is not a mac > pc thread btw. Plex for OS X i particularly love how it automatically finds TONS of metadata to go with my movies, also the easy streamlined very neat looking interface is just smooth and silky. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOIPF6gy0Q4 also word on the streets is that the new apple TV can be jailbroken and rumors are swirling that Plex will be a third party app for the aTV.
  6. 6 guys living in our house. two of the guys have laptops and desktops.
  7. ok found where to connect to a window network, but unsure of what to input. the workgroup name is simply named: workgroup and im not sure about the wins servers?
  8. so this is our current dilema in my household, we have 3 macs and 3-5 pc's. all the mac's can see each other of course very easily, all the pc's can see each other very easily as well. we just got to the point tonight where the pc's can now see the mac's on the network and our specific shared folders. however, our mac's cannot see the pc's shared folders, we can't even see the pc's in the network at all. we've tried connecting straight to the pc via the smb thing and it won't connect. the pc's have a workgroup, but how can i join a workgroup in mac, i remember seeing it before, but for some reason i can't find it anymore within my mac.
  9. why is there a shed in the front yard?
  10. those are for balance, same as putting your legs down at a stoplight. they are out at the start, retract during the run and deploy when coming to a stop. its a motorcycle by definition.
  11. as long as he doesn't mass produce he's fine for this personal use. not saying its legal, but nothing to be concerned about.
  12. im inclined to believe its fake.
  13. good input. you're doing good dude, especially for an sv.
  14. you know, i would bet that gets you out of at least one ticket.
  15. steve and i were in A class for a bit, then dropped to intermediate until steve got in trouble one of us will get vids uploaded soon of when we were in A class.
  16. all my garage spots are taken, mortality i'll pm you like i said over the weekend with my number.
  17. alright looks like we have one more spot. we can exchange numbers over teh weekend so i can call/text you the garage number.
  18. wow. so since im a drag newb, i'm assuming its push button shifter?
  19. Figured i'd make a separate thread so 9/7 peeps wouldn't get lost amongst the 9/6 guys. so far its: myself (A) sjc100rr (A) we have a garage and have spots for TWO more people. if you want a spot, just post up and let me know.
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