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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. not paying attention to people's sexytime.
  2. i plan to knock on windows as im riding when i see someone texting and driving.
  3. is this memorial day weekend? id like to go but i wont know for sure til it gets closer. that'll be the weekend after Roll on Columbus, so i'd be able to show off the new "livery" lol
  4. i haven't ridden with the tank covers and leather combo, going to and from class this past week i couldn't even tell they were there.
  5. promotional pics taken tonight for the event: i hate getting my picture taken... in front of the shoe:
  6. rubbin's racin. the person in front is almost always never at fault (that whole lack of mirrors can't see behind you thing...) the guy who charged hard and mighty was likely at "fault." but if its elias then he's been known to charge pretty hard early (hayden/edwards dealio)
  7. wear your helmet, then i'll wave.
  8. o i know he got hit, but all that aside and the panic of bikes sliding in your general direction, it was still pretty funny to watch.
  9. i can afford a ferrari but i chose yamaha since its obviously superior.
  10. i would totally come help if i didn't have an exam at 330.
  11. way to spoil it! lol i watched this sunday night, man i need to watch Moto2 more often what an exciting race! i cant help but get a kick out of the end, 1:14 or so black suit yellow helmet running and tripping over his feet...
  12. o but thats part of the nostalgia brian. you don't earn that sticker they give you unless you crash your nuts into their guard rail.
  13. yup 600r, still a neat bike. welcome to the good side
  14. i'd give my higher hanging nut (left one i believe) to ride that track. does this not look like pure sex:
  15. you've never seen the ring?! its only the greatest track ever to be created.
  16. why do you believe its not true, or an exaggeration flounder? just curious since im no gun expert.
  17. i must say after watching that, i am very impressed with how nearly spot on Gran Turismo got with the detail of the track and surroundings.
  18. shit happens, that just means you'll find something better in the end. chances are that bike wasn't that well maintained anyways or was abused.
  19. appreciate that lil rub in about cali brian...
  20. brian, are you going to be at grattan for the pro school too or not?
  21. pics: eti frame sliders installed-- optimal racing race glass-- primer was a little thin for my liking, but this is my first set of new race glass, so maybe this is normal? i probably could have done better job mounting the undertail... windscreen fit surprisingly well ] vortex rearsets installed, i had to find a long piece of hose to allow the routing to the reservoir, i also had to move the banjo bolt to the other side of the stop:
  22. you guys might want to make your agents double check to make sure they're up to date on their policies... http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=state+farm+trackdays
  23. lolz. everyone knows yamaha's the best in all ways of two wheeled motorsports (currently)
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