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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. i mean the thing thats baffling me the most is i can't believe someone would wanna buy a honda
  2. you'd even be fine with just normal PP's, save some money that way. i rode my PP's all the way up into A class. also, was your suspension setup correctly? mainly sag, what about spring weight for your body mass? day 1 i felt nearly the same as you, got new springs and oil for the next time around and jumped to A class in two days.
  3. sounds like you need to change our bike information...
  4. http://www.rolloncolumbus.com/ wet washcloth will be on hand as well as a leather belt...
  5. takes some time to get used to it, but once you get used to it you will wonder why you never switched earlier.
  6. hope to see you there, make sure to introduce yourself!
  7. update: email from optimal racing this morning offering to give me their race glass at discounted price. looks like i'll have two sets of race glass, one for show and one to crash!
  8. freakin a man that sig is ridiculous... don't we have a two line limit or something??? anyways, nice bike, be careful on it though it's a good machine.
  9. little update here: plan was approved as stated before, but now its getting even better... Paul, 614 Paintworx, called and offered to do the race glass for free and the street trim for cost of materials. Chris Kruzel also called and said the decals are free of charge. i had dinner with the two of the directors tonight and it looks like i'll be on the radio in columbus in the coming weeks, along with press releases in the columbus and dayton papers and bike will be on display in the nationwide children's hospital lobby for a few weeks... and if everything goes to plan custom leathers to match lol HUGE THANK YOU TO PAUL (attackpainter) for doing me a huge favor in this.
  10. is anybody planning on doing grattan the 14th AND gingerman the 16th? if so, what are you doing for accommodations? i'd like to do both tracks, maybe i'll save up enough for a hotel room in the area?
  11. 17" is small dude. its time for 24"+ LED HD monitor, also PM tomcat for some deals as he's a manager at the easton hhgregg and im sure he could hook you up.
  12. so with all this go fast power you're adding, what have you done to make sure you can contain this power, or your "stop fast" power?
  13. been using the blue rotella for years and no problems whatsoever. 20 dollars a gallon vs 15 dollars a quart for the motorcycle "specific" stuff that you "must use."
  14. anyone want to split a garage? im planning on going sunday, leaving saturday (obviously) from cbus what are the chances that they will let me in the complex to sleep in my truck, or will they keep me outside the gates?
  15. you would have been right last year... new policy change as of this year.
  16. for football? they aren't for sale to students until june.
  17. interesting to note that the people that have the vertical license plate or want to have the vertical license plate all ride suzuki. this will go into the research file... lol
  18. depending on if i get what i need in this week then i'll be going. What does everyone do for accommodations? Also, are there any garage spaces? plugs? if not, can i bum off someone and there generator?
  19. that was the plan, im waiting to hear back from paul. ben, i sent you an email, not sure if you got it or not. does kevin=yota?
  20. now i just need to get in contact with paul and some art/hobby stores... acrylic is going to be the only way to go as far as kid safe, now i just need to find something sturdy. edit: talked more in depth with the local art supply store, they recommend the crayola fingerpaint...paint since acrylic will stain the hands. pretty much all the painters i've talked to say anything will be fine really as long as its clearcoated over.
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