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Posts posted by Tomcat0403

  1. I just got back from Black Mountain Ranch in McCoy, CO (bout 3 hrs NW of Denver).  It changed my perspective on a lot of things, best vacation of my life and I will go back there hopefully in the near future.  That state is beautiful and the people I met and the things I did really made me wonder if we could make the move out there.

  2. Law also states you have the right to vote. Undue burdens aren't acceptable. So your idea isn't as cut and dry as you might imagine it to be.

    Undue burdens my ass.  The Bill of Rights also states that we have the right to bear arms and that it "shall not be infringed".  Yet regulation after regulation has been imposed on it up to and including outright bans.  The least of of these infringements are background checks, and identification to OWN one (specific example is IL FOID card).  So there is specific speech saying the 2nd amendment shall not have "undue burdens" in less stringent words yet they are imposed.  VOTING is a citizens right (and i believe duty) and all you have to do is prove you are a citizen?  From the beginning of the county there has been identification of one form or another and it is not unreasonable for it to be law.  You already have to register to vote, and are issued a SSN card when you are a citizen (born or otherwise), not my fault nor the governments fault that you lose it (or your birth certificate).



    Magz, your bs knows no bounds.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Law states you have to be a goddamn citizen to vote.  You should have to prove it to vote, because it is the goddamn law.  I don't give a shit if it is one person or a million.  Their vote should not count, should not be placed and should be enforced.  They should have zero input in the administration of our government on any level.  They should not be privy to my tax dollars either.

    • Upvote 2
  4. I live near The Bullet Ranch and so far I am impressed.  I have shot at the range 3 times and i bought my Shield there.  They have been open a year this weekend and I want to go back every time i am in there.  Prices are close enough usually, although there are some over the top expensive things like anyone else.  Happy to support them over Vances.  I have never really had a good experience there.  Ohio Valley is where my dad buys from (being from Rockbridge) and i have been in there a lot, always a good experience, however I miss Rockbridge Outfitters, that store was the shit! 

  5. Haha, yeah, the dude literally was asking for it. And no, never bring a knife to a gun fight (that's very old news). But apparently Cops are now psychoanalyst 's, judges, executioners.....

    They basically do what they want, and I'm not preaching against law enforcement by any means, but the acceptable means of enforcement has gotten out of hand I think.


    Do some research on the 21 ft rule...and get back to me on this one.  


    Then do some research on exactly why a cop killer(or someone willing to be one) is deemed excessively dangerous.


    This incident from what was shown was 110% justified.  Shoot until the threat stops.  Other incidents have occurred which we all can agree on, but this is not an example of that, at all.  

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