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Everything posted by Tomcat0403

  1. who's jealous? this guy...fuck scooters
  2. Let them kill this motherfucker very slowly...
  3. Glad everyone had a good time and made it home ok....really wish i could have been there...damn Marine Corps ruining all my fun...
  4. Ride, go with the gamble and say you are trying to be eco-friendly. That way if he is a hippie you win, or if he rides you win too!
  5. jesus christ the torque curves are a hell of a lot different (i know this is a given but seeing a graph really puts it in perspective)
  6. Do it, i rode up there in the rain twice because i was so damn excited!
  7. When you are riding the road is yours...unless they are causing an extremely dangerous situation, let them go fuck themselves. Your safety is the prime concern, hence the reason why i ride with my high beams on when not around other bikes, it may be uncomfortable for the cager, but at least they know I'm there.
  8. I'll be at the after party at least...I dont get off of work til five though. Hopefully i can get sometime off for the hunt too!
  9. I need to put up some pics of mine...before something bad happens to it...
  10. I know how you feel on the install...no directions what so ever...watch out for someone stealing your carbon fiber heat shield though...
  11. casper is going to flip a shit....
  12. My 600rr gave a few girls the "tingle" to the point where you get the "I have to get off....i mean...uhhhhh get going". I love the undertail exhaust! (except for the part of being a taken man)
  13. Just messing with you rusty. Look forward to seeing you there if i get the funds together very soon!
  14. lol...i win...109.7 hp.........................................j/k
  15. Attack of the ginormous picture!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. My scorpion large tries to pull off my head at high speeds, i think i need a medium even though i have a huge dome...
  17. You all have no idea how excited i am to get this car up and running...I'll post up some pics next time i go over there.
  18. I want it...but i just had to pay a speeding ticket...maybe if i can get caught up this week i will snag it if fireman doesn't
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