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Everything posted by Tomcat0403

  1. Hey they have a Chicken Salsa MRE...you dont exactly cook that Kid
  2. Well the threat is from the middle east, from Arabic decent, and Arabic affiliation. SO HMMMMMMMMMMM....if it looks, talks, walks, smells, and swims like a duck...it must be a ________ (the answer is duck) (but the ducks might be offended so dont fill in the blank) I'm not a hater, but I do see things as they are. So that means that if the threat is from Europe, or Africa, or Antarctica and all penguins need to be investigated because of probable hostilities to this country, then by all means investigate! The policies in over there that I was just briefed on as of last weekend, that are current, once again bind the hands of Coalition men and women for the sake of protecting the asses of politicians. Don't ask what they are because i cannot speak of them and i would if i could. Everyone should be grateful to live in this country, your rights are more protected here than in any other country in the World. I fight for the rights of every American Citizen and i took an oath to protect the Constitution of the United States, and that's what i intend to do. So you have the right to speak your mind, but look at it without a slant.
  3. i knew it was bullshit! Damn Al Gore and all of his horse puckey! My physics teacher told us in high school about Global warming and that we should be going through a mini ice age within our lifetime due to the warming and cooling cycles of the earth. Turns out not only did he have his masters but he was a meteorologist before teaching.
  4. :(Dont know where you get your weather info...but that was mean....i got my hopes up
  5. I drove by the 5/3 right after the robbery...
  6. anybody remember centurions???? Although this maybe "young" for many of you... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Centurions_(TV_series)
  7. The Russians are shady as hell...I have no respect for them what so ever. We shouldn't have stopped after WWII and listened to Gen. Patton. When they can attack a country like Georgia so ruthlessly, what are their true motives?
  8. Sweet...GI Joe movie! Here's the link to the trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pqpz2qRwrcI&feature=related Here is part of the cast http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OV8oZ0npUy0&feature=related
  9. The use of ****** pisses me off regardless...they can call themselves that and they get the right to call me whatever white slur they can think of....damn double standards and the plight of the white anglo-saxon protestant males! We will rise up and take back our rights and be equal to the rest of society!
  10. what specifically are we talking about??? Are these new cameras or are they the red light cameras that have been around??
  11. :(dammit i was going to say howdy....
  12. this is my dog, very young pics of him and he is from a champion family...not an english bulldog but the price would probably be close....http://www.basquelaine.com/pages/anubis.htm if you go to the home page you'll find info on the rest of the family and other litters. Also look at the application for getting a puppy. These are serious people and we were the only family to get a puppy for a pet. Anubis (my dog) got sick when he was a puppy and they paid for all of his medical treatment, etc. Make sure you get a contract if you are going to pay this much for a dog.
  13. i wouldn't pay more than a grand if it is going to be a pet. Where do you live, i know some good vets in NW columbus
  14. lol yolk maybe..... anyways yoke-> ox
  15. what bike did you think i had, or color?
  16. i just rode to class...kinda cold but rideable
  17. It wasn't...I changed it just to confuse you and then put it back to stock.:tongue:
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