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Posts posted by Tomcat0403

  1. I live on the 2nd floor with the same sub (good call btw). just use the knob on the back of the woofer to turn the volume down enough that you can hear it but not enough to rattle anything. Long story short...during the day you arent breaking any laws.

  2. I live in minster ill keep a look out but you'll be paying a shit ton for it if you actually find one. And Oktoberfest was a blast this year if anyone went. Little soggy but nothing a few jugs of beer can't handle.

    No shit? I was up there over the weekend with the wife and her family. Drank and ate way too much and then had some Bud's Pizza. The people we were staying with have a very large collection of Oktoberfest and Wooden Shoe collectables. They said the last one went for a lot of green.

  3. I am looking for the #1 mug from the Minster OH oktoberfest, my wife's family has the entire set except for the first one. Her father grew up in Minster and went to the first one, but no one thought it would be so successful. If you know anyone, think you know someone, or have any leads please let me know. Thanks.

  4. As a Marine myself, I was not trying to limit him in anyway. I was offering him an industry that pays very well and has the opportunity to pay for his license in a field that needs people dearly. And he mentioned Driver as a desired occupation.

  5. Railroad or Truck Driving. I work on the sales side of trucking and drivers are needed everywhere. Werner I think is paying for the schooling for your CDL and generally have their drivers home on the weekends. Exel is also a great company (one of our customers) and they are doing the same. Tons of warehouses all over the US.

  6. My wife and I have the tempurpedic pillows, just the standard looking ones. Take a minute to break in but I love mine. She was stealing mine every few nights so I got her one as well. Expensive but worth it. I have had mine for 1.5 years ish.

  7. I live in a 2nd floor apartment and the SW350 is downfiring (lol). I have never listened to mine at 0db (THX) kinda sucks. But the system is solid and sounds great. i route everything through the receiver and one HDMI to the TV. DTV, xbox, ps3, computer, and an antenna just for kicks.

  8. Dude....if you spent 370 on the sound bar take it back and get the quintet IV and a receiver...I bought a TSXR-607, quintetIV and the SW350 for about $600. (btw those prices were cost total from HHG about two years ago). I hate spending more $ in the long run and would rather get what i will use for 10 years+. Just my $.02. Soundbars will never equal a HT setup and the experience you get makes it worth it IMHO. Not sure if your discounts are, but you can always upgrade the receiver in the near future.

  9. I'm glad you are ok, I own a Wrangler as well and have may friends that do. While being pretty open everyone i know in accidents have walked away, including my friends mom who hit a phone pole at 55 with no seatbelt on. Best thing to do is not to let it linger IMHO. There will be moments of fear and recollection, but the less time it has to build up the better.

  10. I was reading about Jeep bringing over the Grand Cherokee from Europe in a diesel form....hopefully for the 2013 year. In Europe it makes 241 hp and 407 lbs-ft for 33mpg on the highway. If the lameass EPA approves it is will probably be closer to 22-25 because of all of the restrictions and cleaning shit.

    The new VW golf TDI in Europe GETS 65 MPG!!!! Here...probably will not be nearly the same.

    My question is why in the hell does it make more sense to clean the emissions but use a shit ton more of the fuel. I have not done the math, but could one not approximate that using more fuel would negate the cleaner emissions?

    I would kill for a JGC that would do 33 mpg on the highway and produce those numbers.

  11. Interesting article, I am not surprised by this in the least, but it is interesting that the Germans took the POWs to the site to show them.


    Not to mention Stalin killed many more people during his reign than Hitler ever did, I think it has been estimated at 12 million or so. (someone feel free to correct me if I am wrong)

  12. From the officers that I know and the knife specialty shop i buy from, you can carry any size knife as long as it is not concealed. Must be under 4" (i think) if it is concealed. Clipped to your pants is not concealed. I have carried large folders over 4" everyday since I turned 18, to class, work, public, sporting events, etc. common sense prevails in carrying it into courts, other gov't buildings. if you refer to it as a tool it is not an issue. I have been pulled over with it before and the cop barley blinked an eye when i informed him.

  13. Goddammit, I have heard this all way too much. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, hence the right to self defense. That is what i have to say about that.

    Second, go read the Federalist Papers if you want to know about the 2nd amendment, it was less about the British or any other country than it was about controlling and having the means to control our Government. Read John Locke, Ben Franklin, Etc, these are all still relevant as much as people want to say they are not in this day in age. I truly and honestly want to believe that it is not necessary to have the means to defend yourself, but it is. The people that keep talking about banning firearms and limiting them and monitoring them closely are the same people that were against the Patriot Act saying that it was an invasion of privacy and rights. Personally I was for the act back in the day to feel more secure, but I was wrong.

    Fear is the most powerful tool anyone can wield, soon enough people will be trading their rights and privacy "for the better good" and the will of the fearful and ignorant masses and the government. The 2nd Amendment is to keep Jefferson's quote a reality "When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty"

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