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Everything posted by MattKatz

  1. My comment wasnt about Dems......It was about not doing your job.....which about 90%+ of the politicians in office are guilty of yet make more money than a majority of us "Normal folk" ever will.....Its seriously time for term limits....in EVERY SINGLE POLITICAL OFFICE......No one should be a politician for life.....Its an elected office to help for the betterment of the people you represent....not yourself.....If you want a career, you should work just lke everyone else.
  2. dude im with you....To me all these people should be fired because they are ABSOLUTELY NOT doing their job. Go to work and try to purposely be counterproductive and see how long you are employed......And these people are supposed to represent the people and run our country.....Right...they are running it alright....Right into the damn ground.
  3. I like it....Im glad I got turned on to these guys by you posting this stuff here....Now one of my favorite groups.
  4. Im not tooting....But Im just saying.
  5. Problem is most people dot loan trailers....too easy to damage and not like a car on them being insured.....and thats also why almost no one rents trailers as well.....They would get trashed on the regular. I wish you luck getting a trailer to rent or borrow...your better of finding a good deal, buying one, using it for what you want and selling it off at the same or slightly less cost....Thats your best bet really.
  6. I might be able to just haul it for you....Not 100% sure Im trailering....But I have a triple trailer....and I will have one or two of my own going.
  7. +Juan? Surely its not too soon is it? BTW....That was impressive....Fastest I have been is sbout 151 on 2 wheels and 161 in that barn door in my avatar....and I know I felt like I was cooking...I couldn't imagine doing it around traffic. Things used to come up really fast on the bike at just 120-130 and I almost misjudged a semi one time a click above 140.....I no longer ride sport bikes on the street....Too many moving obstacles...and frankly Im not that good of a rider to miss them if I make a minor error in judgement at that speed.
  8. did this sell....I contacted you about it like last week.
  9. Are you removing or recharging..and if recharging, with what and how.....I can do all this, but just curious if you want someone to remove your refrigerant, and pull a vacuum, what youre going to do from that point?
  10. Fair enough....Country would change the game a little bit....I have nothing else of help to add....Good luck man.
  11. Theres really not a lot of things that will "Fry" things outside of serious overvoltage or lightning.....But No neutral can knock stuff out too from power fluctuations and creating things to overload/overwork. I was just offering up a possible option that shouldnt be too hard to check that wasnt mentioned. If you think its a Transformer, Id call your electric company and haven them come out and check, but if it is a problem like this, it would affect more then one home unless your on your own transformer which is highly unlikely.
  12. Well....itll be fun to watch the WC on SpeedVid while it lasts....because oce you hit the air....Thatll be the last of that nonsense. :fa:
  13. Sounds like you have lost a neutral coming into the house to me.
  14. Now youre placing blame on a person whom isnt the childs mother just because she happened to be in the vicinity and she saw it.....You have stooped to a new level of retard....Seriously....you have. I actually think the Gorilla was in on it...hes chillin' on a beach somewhere with Tupac sippin a Mai-Tai just waiting on his money to roll in. :fuckyeah:
  15. You made a point about a sign.....and it being there telling you what to and not to do...like its not pretty fucking obvious not to jump 15 feet into an enclosure with a large, and wild animal.....However, the 4 year old who couldnt read this also doesnt have the capacity to realize that this is obvious.....so here we are. Zoo's in the wrong....Payment to the family is all the proof one will need to see this. Oh, and the fact that they WILL modify the exhibit.....I wil put any amount of cash youd like on that bet.
  16. Right Car, Wront time, Soo Sad. Trade for a 3/4 Duramax Crew Cab?
  17. Im just gonna change me stance on this whole thing...... I got $50 says this lady and child get paid. Anyone want to start a pool?
  18. Sigh....I can see just in this thread a lot of what is wrong in the world today....Its sad really that people must always be so closed minded to see things only in the way they do....which as we know is ALWAYS CORRECT.
  19. Actually we do need to know how.....Because as I just have shown with an example....Its easy that it could be the fault of someone, or something else. The problem is your already passing judgement and laying blame without knowing what happened by only picking bits and pieces of the information and using that to try to make your point. Sometimes knowing the entire scope of a situation does make all the difference.
  20. Once again....This all still goes back to the simple fact that people who don't know are trying to pass judgement and blame. I know its been said that no one in 40 years has ever gotten into this area...but lets play devils advocate. Lets say there was a hole no one could ever access in the last 40 years because a display (or trash can, or food cart, or wall removed from a remodel, etc.) was placed in front of it, and lets just say for example, maybe on this day, the display was moved, removed, or who knows what happened that may have exposed this place for a child to slip through that had never been accessed or accessible before. And lets just say for the sake of argument that this parent had two children, and they are standing there viewing the gorillas all is right in the world, when one child say begins to scream, cry or for some reason garner the immediate need for the attention of the parent. Lets just say that the parent was holding both children's hands....one on their left and one on their right.....The child on the left is the one who makes the "disturbance" and the parent, beinf a parent, immediately attends to the childs needs that seem to be of an emergency situation based on the childs reactions. Lets say the parent kneels down, turns slightly to their left and lets go of the hand of the child on the right because they are in need of both hands for the situation. Now, in that moment the parent lets go of the hand, lets say the other child sees this interesting looking opening and in an instant moves toward it......Now the parent who has knelt down to attend to the ailing child realizes that (lets say) the child had pinched their finger and is going to be fine....so they stand back up to resume the previous position and reach for the childs hand that was ust their only moments ago....and there is no hand, they turn and look down and their is no child. Now, think about all of this happening in a matter of 30 seconds or less.....Is the parent still being negligent?.....Are they a horrible parent? Whos at fault now? What I'm saying is we do not know what happened or what led up to this child getting into someplace that no one had managed to get into in the 40 years of the exhibit, yet we are being awfully fast to place blame and pass judgement IMO. You cannot possibly hold the hand of a child 24/7 no matter how much people want to to try to protect them from harms way. Things do happen, some are completely accidental with no fault really what so ever...Its called life, and things in this life do happen that are not always preventable, and not always explainable. Its easy for people to pass judgement but in this day and age it seems harder for people to consider the reality of life and the fact that everyone should be perfect....Just as they are.
  21. As you said...they are the parent....THey are accountable....THEY dont need SOCIETY's uninformed input on how to deal with THEIR child. If the zoo wants something from the parent...thats between the zoo and the parent...NO ONE ELSE....PERIOD....and there in lies the problem.
  22. And to add....We weren't there...How do we know what happened or exactly how long little johnny took to master ninja his happy 4 year old ass into the gorrilla pit.....I'm just saying it seems most are passing judgement without really knowing what happened. And if your rebuttal is "the news, the witness, or xxx SAID".....Stop there....Its still not enough for you to draw a conclusive reason that's fair about the situation at this point, nor will it likely ever be. Video may be about the ONLY thing that would give the insight we need to see if the parent was negligent, or if johnny was just a puzzle master super sleuth with a knack for getting his ass into places he shouldn't be.
  23. I get it....But this is ust another notch in the belt of bullshit that people in society are jumping on....Every week its something new....ITs just getting old and I for one am tired of seeing nothing but people bitch and complain about everything yet NEVER offer anything constructive or positive....If you have nothing to add thats helpful, I think you should not be allowed to speak about such things.....This would silence a good majority of people if it could actually be done....which we know it cant, just making a point.
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