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Everything posted by MattKatz

  1. I said I bring up the rear.....Not Give or take it up the rear. Soo many funny guys here....you're all comedians. I knew there would be comments as soon as I typed it....but I hit "Submit Reply" anyway just to let the hillarity ensue!
  2. I will highly consider coming....and I too am -1/+3.....and I have a lot of mods and a healthy tune....my Bike is a Gas Hog. I get a whopping 29-33 MPG....and although Honda says I have a 4.8Gal tank....They lie. I can only get about 100miles out of a tank....and thats after the gas lights been on for a while....LOL!
  3. I might...depending on what I get done on my side projects from now until then. I might even bring a couple of guys I ride with if that's OK. And for the record....I hate to lead....and hate having guys behind me most of the time...so I almost always volunteer to take up the rear.
  4. Hey man...to each his own...I was just saying. And I do agree with you.....But there is a reson that they have designated a limit to what you can legally drink and still drive a vehicle.....Technically. And they lowered that limit recently..... I don't condone it....But I cant say I havent done it either. I also didnt used to wear any gear....but as I have gotten older....I have gotten wiser.
  5. Maybe I like it when HE touches my ass? Hmmmm......
  6. What other bike options do I have....I am 6' tall and currently just under 250lbs. Aaron has met me..I am a big boy....LOL! I always wanted to do track days...but never found a decent enough track bike...and I dont need to go 150MPH either. Also..I would never track my streeter as I have way too much money in it for a stupid rookie mistake...and not to mention...running the big bikes...is big bucks. What about gear....I assume I have to have full leathers? That right there can get pricy...and I wonder how gay I will look with some nut huggers on....LOL!
  7. I am not soo concerned with the stops..but I refuse to ride outside of my abilities...and I feel I might fall quite a bit behind and make it not a fun time for others....This is the reason I dont go on a lot of group outings...and not to mention...riding with guys you dont know can spell disater if there are a lot of them....since each other are not familiar with the others riding habits. I dunno...I would love to go...but at the same time....I always worry about outings like this.
  8. MattKatz

    Are you fat?

    You guyz makes me LOLz.
  9. I would love to come on one of these...but I am definately a slow cautious rider....And I really hate the beggining of the season...alway more road hazards still out there(potholes, extra gravel, etc.) to watch out for...How long does this usually take and what kind of milage we talking about.....I only get about 99 Miles per tank or so before I have to stop or walk.
  10. Ok....Guys....GEt me schooled onthe costs of this...I am seriously considering getting into this....C-Bus is only an hour or so....SO I might need to pick up a new hobby.
  11. Where is Circleville at? I am obviously in Dayton...actually not far from Nick here....just 2 miles out of kettering.
  12. Where are they? And where is the OP located? I could use a better front stand for sure. I would take two.
  13. What.....Am I the only sheep fucker here?
  14. Not to sound like a squid....but I would love to just be able to do some BP wheelies on my street bike...... But I have far too much money in it to even try it....F that.....Way too much money.
  15. Where is it....? Once again....I know nothing. And what was th SUMO comment...?
  16. Both of those pictures Rock. That is all.
  17. What were you guys driving? Did he do any damage to your car with his toy? ANd a side note....Anyone ever give out the wave a bit early only to then realize you are waving to one of these guys! DOH!
  18. <------Non-knowing race newb here. And I know my big ass couldn't fit on that thing....but... Wow....I just want to know a little bit more about what this really is.... Looks like fun!
  19. I likely would....Not. I did that God damn Swing thing at Kings island and the MotherF'er Scared the SHIT outta me. Not sure why as I love stuff like that....but man I never thought it was going to catch. So this...in an uncontrolled environment.... Give me a beer and I will watch all day long.
  20. Just out of CUriousity.....How often do you actually drink....and....Whats your weight?
  21. Nice bike.... Mind on telling us what you picked it up for?
  22. I have on occasion ridden to the bar...and had a couple of drinks..... But I try not to ride if I have had more than a couple of beers or I feel anything. I know some will say one is one too many on a bike....but I do not think a single beer or two...or maybe three....puts you into a place where you shouldnt be operating your bike. Now granted it depends on your individual tolerance limit..and your size. I am a 250lb guy...so it takes a bit more to get me tipsy. My shiny Nickels worth.
  23. I get that more often than most...... Some days I get on and take off and feel as if I am one with the bike..... And other days.....I feel like I just cant get anything right......Shifts, stopping, turning...nothing seems to click and it makes any or all of the ride however long or short......Very un-nerving and quite un-enjoyable.
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