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Everything posted by MattKatz

  1. I think the photographer is a Fool....and the Todd guy is a Tool. Thats all I got after reading through 80 God damn posts about some pictures.
  2. I like that....What did you give for it? I might have ro roll up there and check them out.
  3. I am confused about some of the wording...."Not having more than 5 Brake Horsepower"......Does that not exclude about everything available as a motorcycle other than a small scooter?
  4. Wow...I thought the 1000 would put out much more power...... They are twins though correct? And I doubt you remember me Brian....But we came out from Dayton one weekend long ago when you were first getting into this....Me on my Tribal 600, a Blue Kaw and a GSXR 1000 that you did a bit of tweaking on. You actually gave me a ride op to the Store in your CObra at the time....SO yeah...Its been a while. I need to come back up and re-dyno my bike....LAst time I had it on a Dyno...I got 111WHP out of it....Not too shabby for a 600.
  5. Last I checked...I havent HEard you could RUn Synthetics .....They do not have additives in them needed for the CLutch.
  6. YOu guys are such Suckers...LOL! I saw this on another FOrum and I knew it was BS right away. I mean seriously...think about what they would have been talking about. They got you guys good.
  7. I was more reffering to the Fact that she likes a whining Baby...But sure...Yeah....Way to point out the Obvious.
  8. KNow how I know your a Chick?And Jimmy and Jeff are teamates if you forgot...and Check the points....Jeff is still rockin everyone....although its about as early as it can get.
  9. Looks like some good Fun. Wish I had someplace like that around here.
  10. *Insert Drums and Cymbal Here*
  11. Sounds like good fun....but I am a big boy.....Doesnt look like it would fit me too well. 6' 250lbs. Whats one of those run by chance?
  12. Looks good! And if you want to "Murder" it out.....Why not Powdercoat your Chrome instead of trying to buy overly Expensive replacement parts....Its about the only way to do it if you ask me.
  13. Man....That's like an F'd up Elvis with a mullet.
  14. I cannot beleive the Original story....But Obviously the dude was not right.
  15. Seen that a few days ago....Kind of interesting how the Nat. Gas is getting into there.
  16. Nice V-Rod....I wouldn't mind having one of those.
  17. Shit....Weaksauce. I do it with Brake Calipers.
  18. Definately one of those " I did it because I can" deals.
  19. I agree.....Star Boyz did a local small show Exhibition...Seemed like HUGE egotistical Dicks if you ask me.
  20. NAh man....We're just Joshin' ya...Go back to sleep.
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