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Everything posted by GOJIRA

  1. Sorry. I didnt realize I didnt sign it!

    Dtc4lyfe son

    Are we related? Long lost brothers?
  3. YOU THIEVIN BASTARD! Whale cum Kyles bro!
  4. Good to meet everyone. Wife an I had a good time an will be down for the next one.
  5. HA HA! I forgot about that. Hate to see you sell her bro but good luck with the sale.
  6. Said the man who breeds sheep for his own sick sexual fantasys
  7. That was mine. I didnt see yours but we didnt see all the bikes.
  8. Something tells me I'm gonna get a for not relayin this ride info to the ICMC. Seeing how I just remembered that BBB wanted to do something like this.
  9. Glad your doin better Kyle. Both of those body sets look good.
  10. Well they live large! Two houses over on the islands, one here and one or two in Florida. Plus a couple of planes(older ones). Then theres all the other stuff they blew money on.
  11. Other sponsors have already stepped up and it's still gonna happen. They didnt fall on hard times. They are being sued cause they borrowed a ton of money and never made a payment! When HD cut them off they cut a deal with another dealership for bikes and acc. The local bank went to foreclose put found out that they never owned the lot they put the new store on nor do they own any merch thats in the store. They leased the lot with a second party and all merch belongs to south east HD. They just reopened the old dealership but painted over all the HD signs.
  12. Bout time you two got over here!
  13. WRONG! The deaths were riders leaving the event. THey did not happen in town.All of them were on back roads around the area. I know of 5 off the top of my head that DIDNT happen during bike week so your 8 for the whole season is also wrong.
  14. It's mostly HD. There were 5 deaths an 15 bikes stolen last year. Trailer park really sums it up. I live 10 mins from Sandusky an that is the worst week to be out riding around here. Alot of drunk inexperienced riders. Ceder Point and other places are pushing to have it taken down to just a weekend deal. Plus this year Star Boyz Stunt fest will be held in Santown during bike week. So you'll have all the wannabe stunters causing problems to.
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