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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. ninjachk08


    lol give me a break man!
  2. congrats!!! on the engagement and on the anniversary coming up!
  3. lol there ya go!! you should
  4. ninjachk08


    im cheatin cuz im stuck animals
  5. texas is beautiful! ive been to houston to visit family and loved it
  6. lol.. when you dont want a ticket if you have a clean record
  7. awesome!! ill def. be there on my weekends off
  8. fonzie is tryin to change it on us! blindfold
  9. lol its never over dustin! i didnt say its tasty, i meant yes as in i likey! lol
  10. i could prob make it now for practice
  11. ive tried many times to get in a hospital.. its hard!! but i think i would like that a lil better than being in a nursing home.. its not that i cant find a job, its that after 2 years.. its all the same. i dont want to do it anymore. i dont think it would be bad if i was a nurse.. i just hate this bitch work.
  12. i take it you got married?? congrats!! wheres the honeymoon?
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