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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. oh i know.. but im talkin before the whole house project.
  2. id play.. ive played before, but i dont have any of my own gear
  3. dont worry.. its closed today! stupid rain!
  4. why would she do something stupid like that.. and put herself through all that pain?
  5. welcome!! you are exactly my height and weight and i have a 250. its light and you can touch the ground just fine! with extra room to spare. i was told to get something bigger.. but i personally didnt want to take that chance. the 250 is very forgiving if you dont know what your doin. but then again, i learned on my bike, then took the msf course. i also didnt think i would need anything bigger, and still think that.. i dont plan on goin 100+ on any road. but good luck on your decision!
  6. a true one? you dont think thats a real 636?
  7. THANK YOU!! all i heard about was "i cant wait to get the bike back together" ..and then guess what, its back together, and he's too lazy to ride.. i have to beg to go out on it!!
  8. my friend tried..its hard, but i guess you can do it.
  9. yea, im not gonna take the chance.. even tho its cheap, i want it in good shape. so tryin to fix it would be hard and expensive to get it back the way it should be... so nick, dustin and kawi- you win! lol. i should be able to find a good deal in the winter. we'll see what happens.
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