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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. ninjachk08


    i was gonna say that.. is that a real word?
  2. yea...all the time.. i hate it here! lol i really dont want another nursing job..i want a desk job.. m-f
  3. well.. what a day! this is a continuation from when i needed someone to go ride with.. cuz i left work early. well, long story and im not gonna get into it...but.. i was forced to resign from my job today.. she(my boss) let me have that option cuz she said it would look better and she wouldnt have to tell state and have this put on my record. so i agreed to resigning... so... who's hiring?? anyone know where i can get a good payin job around here?? im done! i give up!! i cant do this anymore.. its time i join the air force! just wanted to rant.. im upset. i have a second job to fall back on for now, but the whole reason i got a diff job was cuz i hated the one i was at.. and now i have to go back to that hell hole!
  4. no.. they said they wouldnt have the info just yet??
  5. :lol: man i had to watch that again!
  6. haha.. havent ran into that camero thankfully...and havent seen that busa before either.
  7. pfft.. tell that to everyone!
  8. yah i know! i wish i had a garage...stupid apartment!
  9. just tho i would tell all of you that i passed my msf course today!! so now i can ride legal.lol.. even tho ive already been in the dark and highway (opps! ) so now you can expect to see me on the bike at the lodge!! see you all soon.
  10. wow.. lol you must be really bored to put up all these vids.
  11. wow.. she's stupid.. and that member has alot of dirty videos!!
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