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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. lol. good to hear you guys made it through.
  2. great review! def. looks like the bike needed the good cleaning!
  3. lol you're having fun teasing me about that aren't you?!
  4. ^lol.. yea. esp after jon used it against me too! i just logged on under o-r.net, and it worked just fine, so it could be a cookie thing.
  5. lately i've been using .com i usely always use o-r.net
  6. is anyone having trouble? i put in my name and password, hit enter, and next screen that loads, it goes back to the log in screen...without me logged in? every time too.. i have to sign in twice.
  7. you need to make a pic album of the new bike, i'd love to see more of it! looks hot!

  8. NS! that makes me happy! hehehe and i didn't say I take pics, i just hung out with them in glendale... THEY was the weird ones.. they could tell me what kind of engine it was, just by listening to the whistle and seeing where the front lights was located..and then, they could tell what the engine # was, all before it passed us! lol. it IS their lives. they run a train store, and of course they had their own layouts at each of their houses.
  9. lol if i owned a buick, i would let them steal it! haha
  10. i'm doin good.. got a "fun" job for the summer,lol while i wait to leave. i'll be workin at KI.

  11. ninjachk08

    Tuesday 3-17

    blonde! lol i might stop by in the cage if i see you guys, jarv, i'll mainly be lookin for your bike. lol
  12. copied from first post People going: xtremef4i wrillo NinjaNick fusion Cattmouch33 knodel e-flores f4isvt???? CBRzach Dustinsn3485 jarvismb 1dtfgsxr
  13. Yes, I want to at least. some think I shouldn't, afraid I'll wreck again and slow me down on this process, but i don't care.lol. i really want to ride this summer and enjoy being out.
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