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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. hey girl! where are you living? lol. ive seen posts that you're in KY now?

  2. ninjachk08

    my update

    I haven't had time or really thought about it, but I thought I would update everyone on what's going on with the Air Force, since I always get asked. Well, first off, I don't know if anyone knows, I went to MEPS back at the beginning of Feb. I didn't get to swear in because I had to come back at a later date for an x ray and be seen by a doctor. For the fact that I've had surgery before when I was 5. I just went back a week ago for the x ray. Doc said I was normal(lol) and I got to sign my contract and swear in! So, now I have to stay out of trouble and not get hurt(again!) while I wait. I have to meet with my recruiter once a month to "check in" and get my weight.. and for me, I'm almost under weight(for my height), so everyone is telling me to eat! Which I do, all the time! Whenever the Air Force has events going on this summer, I have to attend. lol. So, I'll be at the Dayton Air Show and other events they hold!(until I leave of course) As it looks, I don't have a date set to leave yet, but the recruiter and I both think it won't be till August-ish. So, yah me, I'll be in hot San Antonio for 8 weeks in August.. prob. during my bday As of now, my contract is for 4 years, but I think and plan to sign a 6 year contract. It will make me go in as an E-3, instead of E-2. Which, means more money.lol. It will make it "easier" to move to a higher rank down the road sooner. Don't worry, I plan to be around as much as possible this summer, and I HOPE I will get stationed here at home. I won't find that out though till Tech School. I'm nervous about Basic, but really excited after that. **UPDATE** I found out on April 9th when i'll be leaving. I had to do my monthly check in.. they had JUST found out, so I hadn't been notified till I got there. I will be leaving on July 21st. I'll be in San Antonio for 8.5 weeks at Lackland AFB. Then, I'll be going to Sheppard AFB in Wichita Falls, TX for 13 weeks of Tech School. After that, I'll have 8 weeks of clinicals. I don't know where that will happen. I'm not sure if it will happen at the base i'm stationed at, or if i'll be sent somewhere different before i go to my station. I booked my second choice, 4NO, which is Medical Service. Basically an aide job. I've been excited until i found out.lol. now i'm nervous, cuz now it's real..it's setting in. Just thought i would let everyone know! I'll be able to keep in touch once i get to tech school.
  3. i plan on it.. when i get a bike. cbrchk09 haha.

  4. 250 or 500 is a good call. or maybe even a sv650
  5. there is a thread, but i took this from the newsletter.. Want a sticker? Send a SASE (self addressed stamped envelope) to the address below. Be sure to include what color you want (red, white, black). Ohio Riders 21 N Souder Ave Columbus, OH 43222
  6. hey brad, i'll ride the 250 if you want both the bikes dyno'ed hehe
  7. oh i forgot that the pic was red.. i doubted it would be the abs.. but that was the only red for 09.lol.
  8. lol at ben. nice location too
  9. bring something else.. we still need plates and napkins. or condiments.. the bottles should be fine to carry in a backpack.
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