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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. i learned last night not to walk around with the lights off... my nose went right into the wall.lol.. it was kinda funny, but it hurt too. i was even walking slow tryin to feel my way around.
  2. she's on dial-up.. so she hasn't been gettin on a lot. (from what i've been told)
  3. ya'll are just jealous! the boy can drive and is good. i gave up on jr...he's startin to do bad imo. if he sucks so bad, then why is he always in the front of the line at start??! haters casey-prick? explain.
  4. lately its been pop tarts.. im addicted right now. cereal. and every now and then ill have oatmeal
  5. ninjachk08

    Coming home!

    OHH!! i'm soo jealous! i hope it's stick.
  6. i plan on it. 09 CBR600!! i lucked out.. just banged up and some road rash.

  7. OH NO YOU DIDN'T! that's funny right there.
  8. no, your gay.. you ride a busa! haha..
  9. MY BOY KYLE BUSCH WON!! that is all. I'm happy.
  10. apply? lol.. sorry. ok.. we'll see what i can do. i know i wouldnt mind long rides. cuz i said next bike i get, first thing im gettin is "cruise control" so my wrist can rest sometimes. haha

  11. this reminds me of idiocracy. havent watched the full movie(cuz i tho it was stupid) but i know its bout people who shouldn't have kids, have alot. and smart,educated people don't.lol she needs to have her kids taken away!
  12. ^ yea, so much wind, it's hard hearing with just the helmet. i was meaning to try it last summer. but i'll def try ear plugs next time i ride. if i get pulled over, hopefully i can hear enough, or try and take them out if i take the helmet off without them looking haha. thanks for the lookin that up reconrat
  13. lol everyone including him just stood there and let this happen?? oh well..he deserved it!
  14. my grandma has it.. or did. she's had it a few times. all i know how much pain she was in.
  15. why not just take it with the group for the dyno day?
  16. i think i've heard that it's illegal..? maybe it was just to for ipods on your bike,but i think it was for having anything plugged in your ears on motorcycles. does anyone know if this is true or false?
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