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Posts posted by Harb67

  1. I loved the Storm and was going to get one once my current contract ran out until...

    ...I realized that it HAS NO GODDAMN WI-FI!

    How is that even remotely imaginable? 3g is SLOW. I don't give two shits about what the commercials say; 3g is slow. Yes, it's faster than other wireless data networks, but when you put it up against any normal 802.11b/g/n wi-fi, it is slow as hell. I want a phone that uses 3g as a backup when there is no wi-fi around. This is exactly why if I were to buy a smartphone, I'd go with the iPhone. As much as I hate apple and that smug douchebag Steve Jobs, I have to admit that the iPhone is still the only smartphone out there that does everything. The other phones are all missing features :( The G1 is the next best thing, but T-Mobile is terrible. Stick it on Verizon and I'll buy one on launch day, but until then...*tear*


    (I discuss smartphones ALL THE TIME with my roommate beacause he is completely addicted to gadgets and tech toys. I've been bitching about the Storm for days ever since I found out about the wi-fi garbage)

  2. Maybe I'll get CoD4 too. I won't dare go online though on these shooting games.

    Getting CoD4 and not playing online is heresy. I hated the game single player; I bought it, played it for about 3 hours, and put it down for about 2 months. One day I figured I would try the multiplayer, and became addicted for the majority of the 07/08 winter.

  3. I want to go pick up GoW2, but it's a really bad idea for me right now :p

    I've still got Fallout 3, LittleBIGPlanet, Far Cry 2, Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3, Dead Space, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Clear Sky, and Guitar Hero: World Tour to play through. And I've gotta keep up with my classes X-(

    I'll grab GoW2 over Thanksgiving weekend probably. I'll likely be sprinting out of the house to the nearest retailer to pick up Mirror's Edge though. I must have played the demo for that 10 times now...what an amazing game.

    Q4 '08 has been an amazing time for video games :D

  4. Mine's going in the garage this weekend. I'm making the trip home now while the weather is still decent because I'd rather not risk having the snow sneak up on me and have to make the trip looking like a very fast Frosty the Snowman. I made that mistake last year; high-end ski jacket + 2 long-sleeved shirts + fleece pullover, 2 pairs long underwear + pajama pants + waterproof hockey warmup pants, 3 pairs socks + hiking boots, ski gloves and balacavala and I was STILL freezing my ass off.

  5. 60c is way too high, especially at idle. I'm running an 800 mhz overclock (e8500 @ 4009 mhz) and I rarely ever crest 50c on either core under heavy load. Either there is a ton of dust buildup (which is a possibility depending on how much time you spend on the dorms, they're a dust bowl), or the fan bearings are on their last leg.

    Google for disasembly pictures/instructions for your laptop to get an idea of how complicated it may or may not be. Reseating a heatsink with fresh paste isn't a difficult proposition, but I rarely venture into laptop land so I can't say for certain. I doubt your paste is going bad though. Easiest fix would be just check what kind of fan you need, buy it off of Newegg or something, and install it yourself. Computers really aren't nearly as scary inside as most people make them out to be. Hell, I feel more comfortable working on the guts of my PC than I do on the guts of my bike.

    Quick note though; watch youself with the compressed air. Get too ambitious with it and you could have a much bigger mess on your hands. I had the stock fan on my Radeon x1800xt grenade on me over the summer when I got a bit too enthusiastic with my air compressor (goddamn dorm dust buildup...). It's fine to use it in bursts, but don't just go nuts and spin any fans up too fast for too long.

  6. "Reached Monday by phone, Stephen Allen, 48, of Perris, said: "Was he doing high-speed turns? Yes. Did he pop a wheelie? He might have. Were there single tracks with burnout? No. When I saw the tire marks, I saw no sign of high-speed stunts."

    What a tool. A burnout is a decidedly LOW speed stunt. You start the stunt at...NO miles per hour. A wheelie is typically done AT speed. This douchebag lost his son to a stupid decision on both their parts, and he's splitting hairs to save face. Fucking tool.

  7. So I want to put some basic decals on my helmet and need some advice. I'm not telling exactly what I'm trying to do; it's a surprise :D

    The part I need help with is stripes. What sort of materials should I use? I was thinking vinyl tape or something, but I don't know anything about this sort of thing. Autozone has 1/4" pinstriping tape that comes in the colors I need, but I was hoping to get something wider than that. I need some in white, red, and black. I suppose their black and white options would work, but I need a thicker red (preferably 1" or 1.5").

    Can anyone else who has done any decal work throw any suggestions out? I don't really want to spend a ton of money; this is just a fun little project that won't even be permanent; just last for a few months tops. I'm considering just hitting up all the craft/hobby shops I can think of, as well as places like Autozone and seeing if they happen to have anything, but if anyone has any sure-fire solutions, that'd make things much easier.


  8. Yep, it's "IN" our nation. This is the only forum that has softies and people who support catering to other people who believe in a different nation/countries beliefs more than this one. I've posted this on other forums and this is the only one with supporters, and they're bike forums too. We will self destruct this nation in time because we keep going further and further down hill from what we were built up from. It won't exist, but be a land overtaken by foreigners who LIKE the USA, but don't SUPPORT the USA. They want to bring THEIR nations practices here. If they love their old country so much then don't fucking leave it! The time will come, maybe not in my lifetime, or maybe in the next 50 years, but we will fall. It's a shame. Maybe there should be a war started on this land between the people? Just a thought. It may be that time.:dunno: A civil war, but this one be to bring this nations morals back to what it should be.

    You're absolutely right. It will fall. But not because of some privately owned businesses changed their company policy because of a union. It will fall because of a destroyed currency, a shattered economy, neglected boarders, an overextended military, and an uninformed and uninterested people. It will fall because of people like you shouting "AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!" any time you feel the need to be "patriotic", but at the same time turning a blind eye to the egregious abuses of power by our own government.

    Catering to a minority on private issues? Shit, we best get out the pitchforks and torches and lynch us some un-Amuricans. But hey, when our pals at the Fed continue to destroy the value of the money in YOUR POCKET in order to bail out the very people who are sending you bills every month, then that's ok. Because, hey, if the Government does it, it must be a good thing, right?

    Distracted, disinterested, lazy citizens that allow a rapidly expanding and broken government to destroy our currency, invade our privacy, steal from its people, imprison its own citizens, and start illegal and unncessesary wars will destroy this country. Multi-culturalism, open-mindedness, and a true belief in FREEDOM will not.

    Read some books, stay up to date on world events (and not by simply trusting in talking heads on Fox News and other "news" sources), get a good sense of history, and GET INVOLVED if you want to be a true patriot and a good citizen. Question authority. A government "of the people, by the people, for the people" is an impossibility if the people are too distracted and lazy to even bother thinking for themselves.

    If you aren't outraged, you havn't been paying attention.

    P.S. I'm deeply curious as to what morals this nation "should be brought back to".

  9. I was sitting at the end of my driveway waiting for a truck to pass before I pulled onto the road. The driver yelled "FAGGOT!" out the window.

    It didn't bother me in the least, because I recognized the guy. He used to ride the same school bus as me; I was one of 3 private school kids on a bus full of public school kids, so we were automatically the nerds. He has somehow held a grudge this long, and felt the need to try to insult me :p However, he can call me whatever he wants: I'm a successful college student on my way to a career and a good future, and he's still living in the same shithole he was born into, may or may not have his GED, and is driving a run-down pickup and apparently doing half-assed landscaping work. I win ;)

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