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Everything posted by Mellogsxr

  1. Glad you made it bro! I know what you mean about the slo-mo thing...
  2. Crazy ride... Glad everyone is still alive.
  3. Oh man that is hilarious! Someone thinks of everything, always.
  4. I realized the second I hit the road to meet up, that I should've brought the footy. I've been slackin on the footage.
  5. Funny how that still bothers you.
  6. Very close to hamburger knee!
  7. Super glad you made it home. You're welcome to ride anytime!
  8. Good ride! It was a huge turnout!
  9. That's pretty slick! Better than a backpack!
  10. Everyone is welcome! See y'all tomorrow!
  11. I stopped thru after work and saw your bike.
  12. You are the biggest post whore! But I'll give it to you, you do say some funny dumbass shit!
  13. I don't know the story with the t-shirts... seriously. You say I get my panties all in a twist? Shit makes me laugh, but I know it's said for game, so I'll play. Lemme talk shit to you and see if you don't get bent. You're the one with the 'ban hammer', and you use it, prolly cause you got your panties twisted, right? You won't catch me banning people, we are censored enough by our government. You don't ban the people you know, but do you know they drive other riders away? JUst sayin', I understand internet sarcasm usually, but most people don't. The ohioriders I have met are cool, and honestly don't have anything nice to say about your website. It's just what they've found to find other riders. All I hear is how ohioryders is mostly bikenight kids that have a bike, and don't really ride. Hey, it's all good, I'm not gonna say everyone on here is lame, the lame ones know who they are. Now, it upsets me that his place is called what it is... it should be called CBus haters. hahahaha I'm just kidding, or am I? I'm still hear to make/meet friends and fellow riders. If I were a prick, (I'd lump you all together and tell you guys that you're all idiots. You raise money for motorcycle awarness, yet you ride in a parade with no helmets... 2mph or not, all eyes are on you. Promote safety, cause cagers will never be aware. ), but I'm not that guy... Drama drama drama, worthless but funny. I'llsee you guys soon.
  14. Don't pawn off your buddies to me just cause he didn't give your ol' lady a wack ass bike. Man up and buy her one yourself if you want her to ride. Wrillo, I am who I am, and I live in Ohio. That's how I'm here at Ohio-Riders.net. A 'villain' is ok with me online, but maybe you'll see, I'm far from being a villain, but more an allie, in person.
  15. Hey, I'm all about stirring some pot. When it comes to my 'little on liner'... well, the truth hurts. I never backed the photo you got offended by. I was just pointing out how the thread got jacked. Because of who I am, It seems I am a "villian" on OR.
  16. This is dumb, cause you guys think I'm really mad. I'm not trying to beat anyone up, I just want you to 'come see me...' That's it. Don't feel threatened. Sensitivity strikes again...
  17. You can take "come see me" however you guys want. It's the asshat junkie comments that get to me, from people that obviously don't know any of us. It would be interesting to meet those guys, cause I'm sure they'd take it back once they've met all of us. Some of you have realized already that this fued is counter-productive. If I said "Ohio'asshat'Riders", it'd be different right? Yea, I wasn't sure if you'd remember meeting me... just saying, you didn't have anything "smart" to say then.
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