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Everything posted by vroddave

  1. just maybe. i was thinking about putting an exhaust on my truck today. How long you guyz plannin on bein gone?

  2. doll your makin my day with all the come backs. hahaha
  3. Dollface that is some funny shitz right there about lookin in her profile. ahaha. but if you look @ her profile it tells you who all has visited. and sure enough every guy that has posted somethin here has visited her page. Now lilblue you got myspace hahahahaha! Just kidding
  4. hey dude. sorry i wasn't on the puter at all today until later. did you go look or trade in your bike. you work tomorrow?

  5. you got 4 days left mang. more worky worky less tipey tipey.
  6. hey man whats up. have you been helpn shawn with his carbohydrate problem? he's only got 4 days left.

  7. talkin about overpriced bikes. I know that duc's are very well made. but common. 25,000 for a damn sport bike that is not fun to ride after a couple of hrs. no much sense to me. yes they are sexy 2. but that lil skinny girl is gonna ride on the back of that thing for mor that a min and she'll be like you got a harley thats got a backrest that i can lean against and not have to worry bout gettin burnt ass on.
  8. yeah thats where it was mansfeild
  9. well i have never been. I may plan on goin this year. Last year i went to one in erie penn. That was pretty good. I think that i am planning on goin to both this yr. maybe just staying one nite up in sandusky. there is also one in Marrisville that i we had went to that was ok.
  10. well if you wanted to get it done a lil earlier I could bring my truck up there. but at 3:30 I will be picking up my son.
  11. you get that thing runnin yet

  12. what time are you lookin to take it tuesday?
  13. vroddave

    Dragon's Tail

    end of may hmmmmm.
  14. IF I'm not workin maybe
  15. vroddave

    03/22 Ride

    I think that I'm gonna stick to my v rod. i have beatten the hell out of it for 10,000 miles and all that i have to do is change oil wash new shoes. I'm really happy with it.
  16. hahaha. Pirate hats. hey mang did you get that yammy pos runnin yet?
  17. 5. i'll be there to see some #'s
  18. vroddave

    03/22 Ride

    benyan. Aow has the grey vrod. I rode the orange vrod
  19. yes 12oclock. he dumped in the beggening and continued the whole way.
  20. vroddave

    03/22 Ride

    i gotta find me a sport bike. or should i just keep my ass planted where it is. the only thing i cant do on my bike is a damn wheelie.
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