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Everything posted by vroddave

  1. vroddave

    Ride 3/17

    hey dude there is not a ihop in circleville. its in chillicothe. anybody else. and swing i like bein a lil crazy in the twisties. i have another way we can get to circleville thats not to bad. its more country road.
  2. wanna ride 2morrow? shoot back

  3. who ever is riding tomorrow early . just hit back up on here and we can set up a time. swing R, smashweights. ousley. and who else. I'm hopin for a good turn out. i know some good roads down in hocking hills area.
  4. vroddave

    Ride 3/17

    yeah i was hoping earlyer than that say about 10. i have to pic up my son at 3:30.
  5. moose is there somethin i should know about
  6. and my girls name is get this Bitch of the White Werewolves mc
  7. Titty Squeezer of the Dope Dragons MC. Thats Awesome. i love it. hahaha
  8. anybody that wants to ride on tuesday. post it up. i'm off and so is a buddy of mine. we were planin on riding so lets meet up. i have frome 9:30 till 3:00. so i gots lots o time.
  9. same as screen name. but i usually only play Rainbow 6 vegas 2 online. that is the shit
  10. i hate 33. go down that way all the time. now its gonna be even worse. I thought last friday that i was busted. damn close tho. was goin to the shooting range with a gun in my backpack. enjoying the decent weather riding. doin almost 65 in a 55. he pulled a uie right at coonpath rd. i about shit myself.. me got lucky i guess.
  11. na i can't drink durring the day. if its nice out i like to ride.
  12. welcome. yes another harley. just kidding. a bike is a bike. and yes that avy is quite hard to look at.
  13. :eek:holy f shit that had to suck. if it was a sharp knife it wouldn't hurt till later, but that looked like it wasn't a sharp knife. <---- this is you dancing around screamin omg that fuckin hurts i'm bleeding to death. I'm sorry i really bored:nono:
  14. I could help you man if you have a garage. if not let me know. i have pretty much every tool needded. i'm not workin right now. so holla at me
  15. hey i'm goin, Max let me know what time you are riddin up and i'll meet you at wally world. cool
  16. hahahahaha. yeah i know they can turn. ive ridden one around the block be 4
  17. moose even tho he don't have a busa, he needs to be in a class of real fas and no turn.
  18. much better moose. i will be there. i'm really glad that you have set a date that is not the same as the dyno day. great job.
  19. they make this holster in either left or right hand. and its not considered deep concealment. the cell pall is deep concealment. I'm a fat ass and this is the holster that i will be getting for my mill pro. this holster has rave reviews. everybody that i have talked 2 and anyforum that i have read they love it.
  20. find ur avatar. wuz up biotch
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