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Everything posted by cattmouch33

  1. WSU and Sinclair have been closed since this morning
  2. Anyone catch that the video Lizard posted listed Edwards Grand Prix bike at 250hp....... is that right??????
  3. That would be a nice skill to have
  4. We only have about 10 people in the building, but there slowly trickling in.
  5. I got in today at 7:30, took me 30 min instead of 20. Most of that was getting my car out of it's tomb of ice. Driving was fun though, sliding across the highway goin about 60 while everyone else is doing 30.
  6. This is kinda of pathetic weather nothing really major and the whole state freaks out. In Wisconsin this wouldn't even get you a delay for public school. The last day off we had there it was -50 with the windchill. They just need to buy a decent amount of plow trucks. On my 30min drive to work I didn't see any public plow trucks. That's horrible, no wonder this state can't handle snow.
  7. It was a blast on the highway to work....people sliddin everywhere on the highway going 30mph. So nice to pass them doing 60 with my tiny little 1989 civic.
  8. It still looks somewhat nice regardless of how it handles
  9. Do you have a problem with just the cable or the sidi boot as a whole?
  10. so Japan's economy can't being hurting that bad for people to have the money to do that crap.
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