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Everything posted by cattmouch33

  1. Anybody see the kawi outside the recruiters office
  2. Sounds nice, have fun unpacking.
  3. Well at least you were rotating players through to at least try to help the other team. Some parents and coaches just get pissy and want things to be fair. Sometimes your going to get your world rocked in life.
  4. I don't think it's a repost on this forum but it's still funny
  5. It's nice to know some companies can run well even in less than great times.
  6. Prisioners should be forced to work for the food and lodging. You don't work you don't eat and you sleep on the floor. I like what Sheriff Joe Arpaio is doing with his inmates. Make them watch G rated movies, no porn, no weights, and wear pink.
  7. So mean to the kawi, it's gonna fight back just like it's older sibling.
  8. I can see lots of takers on that, Hey do what's best for the company to get in good with Obama right...
  9. and he knows nothing about bikes or shows, it was amuzing that he even found out about it. Anyone riding today, it's nice enough out?
  10. My father in law just e-mailed me about the show in cleveland wondering if I'm going to it.
  11. ehh if he missed he just has to remember to stop drop and roll.....wait no he'd be f*cked
  12. You gotta know when to go for the win
  13. I wonder if she's seen the listings for the bike yet....what's gonna happen when she does.
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