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Everything posted by cattmouch33

  1. numbers numbers on the bird. That's a lot crap to sort out to make the bike better. But hey we eventually get the benefits from it.
  2. It wasn't too bad this morning. But it was wet where I live.
  3. I might ride later today as long as the rain stops. And i can ride at night now, Yea!
  4. freakin awesome. Alright who has an abandoned airfield and a nice car?
  5. where have you been lately Jarvis? Haven't seen you post up in awhile.
  6. Exactly, only half the jeans are mine so Jordan could help out the kid with her genes.
  7. My roomie spent most of last night trying to get on the network to play it. I do like the attack dogs though, nice touch.
  8. Yeah but I don't want to give my future kid Dain Bramage. No seat belts in the back and everyone that rides with me tells me their ears ring after getting out. Not good for babies. Same as Brad if I hadn't put so much into it would've been gone a long time ago. However for a 19 year old car still getting 35+ mpg it's kinda hard to get rid of.
  9. We have a problem with getting rid of it cuz it is our first. I put a lot work of work into the car, learning how my car works. Many nights with bloody knuckles and lots of cursing but it's a great little car. Many years of researching for upgrades. It has a lot of other first in it or on it too. How many people do you know that have any car for 8 years let alone their first car. Yeah the main reason for getting rid of it would be the potential of a family in the next couple of years. The ricer isn't exactly baby friendly.
  10. My bad just trying to learn with that bike. I was just happy that I never dropped it.
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