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Everything posted by cattmouch33

  1. really could, on the back side saddle. Could work out, but if you do fall remember to tuck and roll.
  2. There is no real point in making sure she knows something went wrong she kinda already knows that already. We all know the bike is much more capable then most of it's riders. A mistake was made somewhere and she went down. Still glad that she's ok.
  3. I'm gonna ride everyday after work this week. It's suppose to be in the 70's til friday.
  4. Glad to hear you were pretty much ok. Take your time and heal up.
  5. from what I can tell looking at who has senior member and who doesn't. I could be wrong but it's right around there.
  6. well yeah site's crashing tend to put a damper on things. That's ok. I use this to become a senior member again
  7. So I see what you mean about the thursday's thread dying out.
  8. I can't see him getting any crazier, just faster. Now when he passes by it'll really be just a blur.
  9. there's to many days left that it will be warm enough to put the bike away already. So is he gonna get the R1 or not
  10. nice, great decoration for the house. It's gonna be around 68 in virginia.
  11. Yep I leave for Virginia at 4. Nice long 8 hr drive. I need to work those boots more missed a couple of shifts since I can't feel the shifter as much as in my other boots. I can't wait till it get warm enough to be aggressive again. Maybe I can get the bell star helmet I want by then. I got my large back from my brother and it doesn't fit right. Back to the too small medium helmet. Know anyone that's interested in a large Shoei helmet. I have to find out what model.
  12. not horrible, it only took us about 45min. So not too long of a ride.
  13. they actually went that expensive, only 185
  14. Sounds good and no I didn't get the same boots you and Dustin got. I had to upgrade a lil' bit
  15. Dang it, I'll be in Virginia at a wedding
  16. that is always a plus when home shopping. My current place the family help fix up and it's now worth over double what it was bought for a the auction.
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