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Posts posted by cattmouch33

  1. well thank you for that......if only I had a big enough shower. Hell I know Jordan and I could use one :banana:.

    I like to get some decent twisties in but with it only being 51 max today I don't know how good of an idea that'll be. So longer straits to test out your bike brad.

    on a side note what time tomorrow, I have a private lesson that I have to do and I wanna make it earlier enough to still get to tipp on time.

  2. At work we have a poweredge 2650 if you are possibly interested in hosting locally. You would need to get bigger harddrives as it only has 5 16gb drives in it now. PM me if you would like to know more about it. It is a rack mount server though.

    Thank you for getting the site back up.

  3. I am not exactly alowednto ride with a broken hand so I hope I get a excused pass from dustin.

    Of course you can ride with a broke hand, You gotta huffy right or maybe a 10 speed.;)

    So it sounds like sonic it might be.

    Who all is in for thursday the 14th

  4. :confused::confused::confused:

    the point is that we are all immigrants...

    my great grandmother on my mothers side was a first year immigrant...

    my great grandfather on my mothers side descended from before the revolutionary war...

    Actually I was born here I don't know about you but I didn't immigrate to the U.S. Yes Our great grandparents might have been but once you are born in the country you are a citizen not an immigrant.

  5. That's not true in the least. Muslims don't hate Americans in general. You're letting radical views of a minority slant your view of the majority. That would be a generalization of a group, a stereotype, a logical fallacy. That would be like lumping all Christians with those that bomb abortion clinics, Fred Phelps, and those who act out of hate against other groups.

    The Islamic faith is similar to the bible in that the both say fight those that oppress you and cast you out. However once the fighting is ceased hold no transgressions toward your once enemy. It is in both cases that the extremists take their sacred word out of context and use it to justify their purposes.

    oh and a large portion of the Irish spoke Gaelic when they came over also, they may have been of European dissent but that doesn't mean they speak English. It was there hard working nature that helped build the country and not expecting a hand out. Whether it be hard labor or intellectual isn't the point, it's that they wanted to be American and not expect a whole nation to change for them.

  6. Tyson having a vote on the issue was a good idea and if the majority agreed to it then sure it should be alright that is what makes the country great. However our nation bending over backwards to accommodate every new immigrant legal or not is what is the biggest problem. The immigrants that founded and sub sequentially built this nation worked hard and except they were in a new country and had to adapt. The learned english to try to be an american citizen, not because they had to but they wanted to. They still practiced their own religion and could still be part of this nation. Today immigrants coming into the country and ones already in the country expect us to accommodate them in just about every way. If their employer, landlord, or whatever doesn't yield to there demands they could be brought to court in a lawsuit. They don't even try to be an american or be part of this nation. They left their own country out of fear or oppression because they know they can get away with a whole hell of a lot here. Why work in somalia 7 days a week for 80 hrs when you can come to america and get government checks for sitting on your arse. Not all immigrants are like this my uncle is and immigrant and took all the steps to becoming an american citizen. This country is going down hill because we don't know what our values are anymore. We have so many laws to support people that are unwilling to even work to earn there keep. This country has become so soft to everyone. We are still trying to make up for so many things that happened so long ago. Things like affirmative action that when started worked towards and amazing goal of everyone being truly equal, however it is so screwed up now that it makes sure someone is getting screwed over in some way shape or form. Things have been taken to the extreme and no longer focus on the goal they were originally created for.

    As for the war in Iraq yeah the official reasons we went over there may not have been the best but after see the pictures and videos my brother who served over there brought back, I have no doubt that we are over there doing the right thing. Seeing the way they treat people over there and true happiness on peoples face after a city has been freed from the control powerful few and given back to the people is a good thing. When someone is beaten for simply going outside or even speaking, taking the people that would do that out or power is a good thing. All the people that we are helping over there is definitely worth it just for that. Yeah you can say we shouldn't stick our nose in other countries business but that's like asking you if you would help someone that was being beaten in front of you? what about a block away, or two or three, If you see that it's going on but you feel you are to far away will you just walk the other way or go help. Yes I know that is a gross generalization but the point is similar. If we were there for oil well the hell is gas still almost $4. We felt we needed to show terrorists that we will come after them not just continue to take it.

    American has gone down hill but we only have ourselves and law makers to blame.

    Sorry for the long rant.

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